
Really? Only air time? You mean they punch in for what winds up being a 12 hour work day and only get the 4 hours of actual flight time? Wow, the AFA is a shitty union. I hope they aren’t salaried.

God complex. Gotcha. Makes sense now.

“I just can’t stand people who are awful to other humans because that person doesn’t like their job. “

I hope you aren’t in the service industry, in effect making money off of people you feel you have the right to vent your personal frustrations on.

There’s no debate here. Are you clueless? She gets paid to work on that plane and as an AFA Union worker, gets comped appropriately for any extra time she may have to put in, it’s her JOB to deal with those situations, it’s not the job of the passengers who paid for their tickets with that airline instead of another,

Depends on how old. Based on the fatality graph below, only once a driver get’s above 80 do the fatalities skyrocket, but it’s still roughly the same as the 16-17 year old group. Up until that point, the older demographic (between 30 and 79) seems to have much better fatality and crash rates and even the (“frail AND

The thing is, we do have the plenty of sensible car-control laws for cars but not much in the way of guns. People need to take and pass a test to drive a car that requires supervised training. You have to have insurance on said car, you have to register it and have it inspected, and it needs to meet safety regulations

My mom’s car we refereed to as the Chevy Ashtray

Cars don’t kill people, people kill people.

Something tells me the Mustang doesn’t fit into this logic.

* When you do the math and think about it

Or the top, depending on you know, priorities.

Now playing

Agree. Isn’t that the purpose of the privacy window?

Fancy Kristen approves...not that she’d fathom the thought, let alone ever be seen in something as lowly as a peasant’s Uber car.

“Releasing the video does nothing to further justice but embarrasses an old man who got a handjob.”

“but Kraft’s argument here is NOT that he is innocent.”

What amazes me how a player with obvious power capabilities, gets to the minor league or MLB level with atrocious defensive and the other general baseball-centric skills needed to be successful, or beneficial to a team. You’d think guys like him would filter out eventually, regardless of their bat. I can’t imagine how

Can wait to see the new De Tomaso electric CUV. ;)

So, an LJ then.

Unclear about the engine but it has a CB? I take it so in case the Pier 1 Imports they trek to is out of cell range they can call for help when ultimately the starter goes bad. “Breaker breaker any good buddies out there? I got a 10-4 emergency and can’t get it started...Mayday, over and out.”