On the plus side, they won’t get dinged up in the Target parking lot, which is where this thing will spend many hours of it’s life dreaming of what mud between it’s treads actually feels like.
On the plus side, they won’t get dinged up in the Target parking lot, which is where this thing will spend many hours of it’s life dreaming of what mud between it’s treads actually feels like.
I like yellow cars, but here that just draws attention to it’s dumbness. In this case it looks better in the flat gray so it can hide from it’s shame.
Landrunner? Who knew. I thought all extra-wide Jeeps were called Mallrunners.
People still listen to terrestrial radio? Would anyone be surprised if they were all Trump zealots?
I thought it was illegal to play political based programming unless all parties were given equal air time.
When something becomes fashionable to hate on for one reason or another no matter how valid or quantifiable the reasoning, it snowballs into it’s own negative element in the zeitgeist. Welcome to the world of social media culture.
Jeet yet?
What amazes me is the Pirates are so bad of a money grab organization that they can’t even get into the conversation of poorly run organizations because people forget they exist. Too bad to even make the list of badly run teams. Seriously, as a Pirates fan, I’d give my left anus (not my right, I still shit outta that…
I always thought Chevrolet was a dumb name...and Dodge, what the hell’s a Dodge?
I hate you. Are you rich? I don’t want that clouding my judgement.
Would it be safe to assume this record happened on a Sunday?
I like how you use sane and monster truck in the same sentence.
I was 9 when you were born. No, you’re not old
I’d like it if it was actually vintage. Then again, it probably sounds better than the 60's and 70's vintage Wha’s I used to own.
F’ing progressive Austinites! “Ohhh, we have seat belts on school buses, aren’t we special!” Next you’ll be telling us in Austin they have a person helping kids cross the street so they don’t get run over. Lah De Dah!
You realize there is no special license for a Demon or Hellcat either? All kinds of vehicles out there that can be dangerous in the wrong hands.
Because kids and people are too stupid to work a seat belt and need it cut off them? Seat belts stop working after an accident?! Damn, what the hell do I put that thing on for? No more for me! If I get pulled over I’m going to tell the cop; Hey I don’t want to be stuck in this car after an accident waiting to be cut…
There ya go, it’s a hassle...not so much about safety, is it. Besides, they’re kids, they’ll heal.