
If I was an Uber driver this might make sense. Would definitely get repeat business and attention for people wanting to be seen getting in and out of a Rolls compared to any standard MB or BMW. Not sure about wanting that kinda clientele getting in my car in the first place, but...

Because if you’re the type of person looking for a new(er) Rolls (a non-collectible DD), you don’t buy used unless you’re a drug dealer or wanna be Rap star,who won’t know what the duPont REGISTRY is.

NP, but I’ll go and add the obligatory and pointless “Do you know how many NA Miata’s you could by for $90k?!” anyway.

Even the ones who didn’t get to go

This is as satisfying as watching that wanna be blues hack John Mayer running off stage after being shown up by legit blues players at the Crossroads event years ago. The Betcha can’t play none either!” scene from the movie Crossroads was all I could think of when it happened. What a tool. 

No you wouldn’t, and probably neither did he. Probably closer to $2k for remanufactured and the install.

I would imagine if this guy is about being frugal (1 million mile Honda owner checks out), he didn’t buy a brand new engine for $5k even if he could find one, and more than likely went remanufactured for much less than $5k (probably closer to $3k or less), or even slightly used, which you can pick up for about $1k

The only thing holding it together is ass juice and fart remnants.

3 engines would be impressive only if the guy never changed the oil.

Sorry, I’m a big fan of Honda and Japanese vehicle reliability in general, but replacing an engine twice makes this less impressive. If you maybe have to replace gaskets and seals, that’s more pardonable, but an entire engine...twice?

Pretty sure by his comments and poor attitude he’s making it clear it’s not being shipped. Defiant NP in Hawaii.

Get outta here with your uncolored logic and facts Grandpa. This where we pile on the “olds” and things they identify with. Ain’t that right Malachi?

Yup. Outside of pineapples and lava rock, everything’s much more expensive in Hawaii, so if this price is within market on the mainland, it’s defiant NP there.

So you want a 4-speed for the performance, but would opt for the convertible version for the shakes like a wet dog effect when driving over RR tracks? Still holding out for that ZR1 convertible too?

Who knows, maybe he’s an ex-cop, or an alcoholic looking for a break from a DUI. I thought that’s the only reason those stickers even existed.

This is NP in this condition and with this drive train, You aren’t really going to find anything nicer and unmolested for less unless it needs lots more work and much less presentable than this one. But then again, on Jalopnik the typical consensus is all Vette’s are CP, so it’s like talking to a wall.

Sounds like a lot of work. I’d rather just assume that if they could have, they would have, and leave it at that. 

Chill out there Skippy. 

It’s Philly, and like the sport fans excuse there, he’s just a passionate driver.

The pinky finger. That’s how you properly drink Glengoolie.