
Ironically, he did use his turn signal.

“it is BIG, almost scary, but just sitting there like a relic

What’s that at the bottom ?

You saying it wouldn’t fit in this?

So the longer I6 makes it difficult to keep front engine cars weight balanced? Ya don’t say. Oh yeah, an I6 in a Miata would be awesome. /s

The name Morris takes me back.

There are certain used cars where mint condition doesn’t justify a high price, and this is one of them. What’s next, a $20k Dodge Neon? CP

“And then we’ll see an HOA listed and we know they won’t care for me rolling out on my Ducati at 7am on a Sunday morning.”

“absurd and arbitrary authority of an HOA.”

Also, If you like being affronting to your neighbors, don’t give two shits what anyone else thinks about anything, and in the process drive down the property value of your home and everyone else’s, you don’t live in an HOA. 

If you like cars, don’t live in an HOA a city.

Bragging rights requires a track?

You forgot Trump gets money filtered to him via his other businesses in cahoots with this deal.

“bleeding money for years.”

Yup. But they won’t blame their Messiah Trump. Sacrilege! It’ll be Obama’s fault, Hillary’s, or (insert any non-conservative target here.), that forced Trump and his minions to take way what was working for them.

I think the problem with all of this is there really is no such thing as “simply” changing an automatic to a manual. As much as I love manual transmissions, I’d never change an auto to a manual, especially when they already make them like that.

And why even go through all that time, hell and expense when you can simply spend the extra money and buy this?

Get it before it’s gone.

Get the 4Runner, or at very least the Xterra...although I’d go for a non-supercharged slightly newer model. I know you love the Jeeps because you’ve been forced to work on them so much you can do it blindfolded at this point, but wouldn’t it be nice to NOT have to work on your car for a change?