
It’s actually for getting away from people. The nature thing is just a bonus...sometimes.

Considering their target market is still a younger one than most makes that have been around for 50+ years, they are going to try bullying and scheming the kids into overpaying for something they “just gotta have yo!”, versus say a Toyota dealer who relies mostly on repeat customer business from a demographic who’s

Yes, and it also rhymes with another classy and suave 60's thing.

Fastback? I thought on Jalopnik everything was either a Sedan or a Shooting Brake.

No this is the new acceptable response by the over-reactionary “I want blood for your sins!” revolution to everything and anything offensive.

You go gurl!

I noticed that too. It’s as lame and smug a retort as an upset celebrity saying“Do you know who I am?! I think they were actually meant for each other and need to share a bukake session outside the unemployment office.

I was all on 100% her side until reading:

Nope, it’s not a normal term. Seriously. In my work I’ve seen roads refereed to many things from various sources over the decades of looking at roadway plans and documentation and never heard anyone in PA, NJ, NY, DE, NC, MD, VA or anywhere else use it. Also never heard anyone say: “Yeah, you get on the surface road

So get a Smart for a lot less. You’ll actually be able to get parts for it and for that odd occasion you need to get on the highway, you’ll be able to keep up with traffic. I see a guy in a Smart everyday doing 85 in the left lane on I-95. Here’s one with under 5k miles: Go Crazy!

Because if they are like me and lot of folks, they drive on an actual highways posted probably at 65 (meaning everyone goes at least 75). Better question is, why would you by a car that shouldn’t/couldn’t safely be driven at 68?

CP. Top speed of 68 mph in a toy car would get me killed on the my mostly interstate commute with the right lane being driven at 75 mph minimum and most people going 80 and 85. If I lived and commuted in the city I might Think differently, but there are other actual real electric cars not built from a kit that I could

Or you’d think for that short moment of life where they tried to fit into society to be accepted by the norms (to get laid, have friends, etc.) they’d have at least faked liking football enough to glean a little knowledge of the game - because that would be the “smart” thing to do - and seeing as how they are so smart

Because American taste is about as refined and subtle as a Quarterpounder with extra cheese and bacon. That and if it doesn’t come with a massive spoiler and 20" rims it’s lame.

Dead animal hide is for uneducated poors.

Or a traitorous backstabbing government. If they don’t like you in Japan, you aren’t assassinated, they’ll let you do the honorable thing and handle it yourself.  

Is the front end as ugly in real life as it is in photos?

Had a friend who delivered for Pizza Hut for years (he was happy with his sort in life) and he did it in a beat to hell 1979 VW Rabbit. The smell that eventually soaked into that interior and cloth seats from the food, combined with his typically un-showered body oils and stank was indescribable, but think commercial k

I also wouldn’t be embarrassed seen in this.

History shows At that price” obviously doesn’t count here. I’ve seen cheaper cars on NPOCP with relatively the same lack of issues get the obligatory “not even if it were free!” thrown at them.