Assumed? You know what they say: Never ASSUME, because when you ASSUME, you make an ASS of U and ME.
Assumed? You know what they say: Never ASSUME, because when you ASSUME, you make an ASS of U and ME.
Then it would have looked more like a functional postal vehicle and been even more suspicious. Paint it black instead.
Yeah, this guy and all people who call the cops thinking they are doing anyone any favors are jagoffs. So much wrong can happen when police are called when there’s no reason in the first place. “I wasn’t sure so I called the cops” probably never leads to a happy ending. He obviously wasn’t that concerned about David’s…
Until they figured out that it would take over 500 years to get their investment back via track fees.
Yup, that thin and warped low grade oak 2" floor (lath essentially) that they put down for floors in the mid 1900's was there because back then people typically put down carpet and linoleum, so they weren’t going to waste money on actual good hardwood flooring, but now people are trying to salvage it and are finishing…
I agree for the most part and the whole open floor plan layout trend has reached the point of obnoxious, but I live in a small modernish house built in the late 50's, probably designed by someone who thought hover cars were right around the corner. The rooms are small (a 9'x7' bedroom), impractical and useless, and…
If you’ve priced the kind of room dividers that are even worth purchasing - that don’t even close off the room enough since they are never long enough and aren’t much taller than 6' - you’ll find that building an actual interior wall from drywall and 2'x4's is probably cheaper and does the job much better.
Ima say CP just because there’s no reason for a 2 year old $50k+ vehicle to be in NPOCP. Kinda takes the fun out of it. Might as well be debating this:
It’s the Segway hype all over again.
Or when a cart is inserted into another, the handle is depressed.
I wish all stores weren’t Aldi.
Not just them, most Targets I’ve been to have 8' spaces. The standard is 9'.
Nothing more disturbing to a mom and her infants/toddlers that just came out of a store with groceries than an unwashed and homeless drug addict/alcoholic following them to their car and panhandling for their cart, then waiting there for them to unload it so they can get a quarters towards their next fix.
Fun fact; the brother of the founder of Aldi is the better brother.
My idea of a cart monster is the self-absorbed girl at Target who because it’s raining, is running through the lot without the care or the perception needed to know if her cart will fit between the cars or not, and just jams it through there anyway. Ask me why I think this and I’ll show you pictures of my cart handle d…
If you have the monetary wherewithal to have a car you care about, you probably don’t shop at Aldi anyway. If you do, your priorities of having a nice car, but eating crap food to pay for it, is out of wack.
True. Especially when the corral rarely get’s used. All I need it to see a cart left 1 spot over from the corral to enforce my already severely dismissed opinion of humanity. And I also will always park at the higher point of a parking lot that has any visually measurable slope at all. Hint for those not sure; it’s…
“If you care at all about the condition of your car, then you are very used to parking as far away from the shopping cart corral as humanly possible”
Grey or Gray is not a color anyway. I’m looking at a color spectrum and no example of grey is in there. Technically, white isn’t either but just the combination of all colors, so it get’s a pass. If I can print grey without a color printer, it’s not color.
Wet primer