
While I’m certainly impressed by modern lighting technology and appreciate the compactness, using it to make a car look very squinty, like a child both confused and angry at the same time, is not my ideal application.

Holy...moly...I can never, ever, ever, ever get enough Sled Driver stories. Especially because I’ve only picked up crumbs from the book that was so limited in production. This is wonderful and I will be sure to share it with my inner circle who dig this kind of amazing stuff. So very glad these stories don’t have to

That’s what I was thinking too. Like, almost tracing paper type copy. I loved the C-X75 concept so seeing it kind of get, well, ahem, copied doesn’t really sit well with me.

They’ve been getting hit around here quite a bit. They’re equal opportunists with both “Trump is a Reptile” and “Hillary for Prison” but I like this one the “Gorilla Deserved It” the best in the sake of comedy.

I’m impressed, like genuinely believe what I see kind of impressed. Proof of concept, to me, matters a great deal.

Impressive. Can it out duck-dive an axe?

The first Model X I saw in the wild had the door handles out of alignment by at least 1/4" and possibly 1/2" while driving down the road. Snapped a blurry photo. The second Model X I saw in the wild had the door handles out of alignment by at least 1/4" and possibly 1/2" while puttering around in a parking lot. I’ve

Quite cool, though if I may offer a suggestion for a subsequent model, loading that thing up with a LIPO powered Airsoft full-auto drawing from a hi-cap magazine would perhaps enable a lot more action between refills. And it might not actually out-fly its own munitions if dialed in right.

Very slick presentation and concept art, I approve!