
Alfa Romeo RZ

OK ok you win. Wow that is awesome.

As a kid I always liked this quad intake on the Trans Am. Now looking at it I am realizing this car is actually a life size Hot Wheels car

Worst: Nissan Pulsar GTI-R

And this is just the mp4... I can't wait to see what the P1 can do to these record lap times.

Hey Lamborghini Camaro your motor is in the wrong place

I just needed to add this. I would daily a street version that mimics this car.

But will they make a MWraith?

I think these headlights are the most ugly thing I have seen from the autoshow so far.

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Not much is cooler than watching a bunker buster in slow mo

"Current mechanical weapon can only shoot at around 6,000 rounds a minute max" Wow I see his point that is just way too slow ;)

Not bad. A step forward from what you would expect from KIA. I actually like those wheels. It's nice they have a 6-speed option.

Were these ever reused on a different car? I feel like they must have been but I don't have a clue on what.

Well done Cadillac, well done.

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Just saw this on tv and that it was a nice addition.

Also there is a language to using the horn that both the sender and receiver need to understand:

That button in the middle of your steering wheel can save lives and bring attention to others dangerous behaviors; so dont be afraid to use it.

This has to be one of the most perfect cars ever built.