
What no 86-boxer door handles?

No, I did not. Read it again. If you are still confused ask if someone will explain it to you.

Thank you for sharing that. That is... umm... wow

Think for a moment about "suicide by cop". If a persons actions intentionally cause a police officer to use deadly force the blame is not on the officer but on the person; which is why the term suicide in that phrase.

They are not directly responsible for the other persons bad driving. However if there is a lane available that the person could drive through and you block them intentionally you are responsible for causing them to have to change lanes to get through/past. This is especially true if you are boxing them in requiring

All I am saying is consider the results of your actions. I have boxed people in and been boxed in and seen people boxed in and from all I have observed it really does no good. Next time you do it ask your self why and what good it will do.

For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged

IMHO this car looks much better without all these vents.

This was the usual outrageous Top Gear car. I just want simple controls that allow me to either take a glance if something is on or off OR while keeping my eyes on the road reach over and feel to check the current state.

Simple dash controls. I want only toggle switches and push buttons except for three dials (volume, music selection & temperature).

I got this: Hummer H1


According to www.cadillaceurope.com you can get the CTS-V over there.

Can you call this a wagon or is it more of a 4 hoor hatchback?

Personally I have always thought is Nissan as Japans BMW and Honda as their VW

I think BMW should make a new a M10 midengine ultracar. 

We need more traction and downforce. How can we get it?

Daewoo Tico

Chrysler has apparently come to terms with its reliability standards and highlighted the tow hooks