I have liked the idea of roundel wheels too. Would love to see it on some bottle caps or m-system turbos.
I have liked the idea of roundel wheels too. Would love to see it on some bottle caps or m-system turbos.
perhaps it could be a sleeved down 2 liter block or a bored/stroked 1.5
This crash at the xgames was pretty bad
I doubt the BMW M8 has ever been in a video game. 550hp from the first version of the motor that would eventually end up in the McLaren F1 this has to be one of the best cars never in a video game.
And even more unlikely the 325e or es or ix
Skip to 3:58. Not much sounds better than in inline 6 with side draft carbs
It looked much better in person
Perhaps I am only thinking on the first generation. Any how I still think it would make more sense to consumers to structure it as I had first mentioned and price the difference similarly to current discrepancy between the 3 series coupe and sedan or the same for the 6 coupe and sedan. Or they could make even numbers…
What evidence do you have that the 6 is a coupe of the 5?
Not much scares me more than the thought of my car blowing a timing belt ...shudder...
From the way I have understood it the 6 was supposed to be the coupe version of the 7. That is how it was with the first 6 series. Even with the new ones they share the same engine sizes (except the 760li of course). Also they have tended to share design characteristics between the 6 and 7.
Well that is all and fine because BMW doesn't charge a massive premium for the coupe version of its sedans (maybe 1-2K). If it was explained as 'a size to fit your needs' and people knew, ok, 1=small and 7=big, it would be easier for them to make comparisons.
Can we stop BMW where they are and restart this new naming scheme. Here is how it should work: