I am supposed to split my shorts and put them in two pockets?
I got my '85 BMW 325e because I was in the process of searching for an e30 in New England for $3,000 or less that wasn't rusted to hell. After taking some long trips to check out cars that turned out to be rust buckets I was starting to give up. Then a friend mentioned he knew some one who my have a car for me. What…
New England Region SCCA does AutoX in Ayer, MA. Don't know much about RallyX but it sure sounds like fun. Here is a good place to find events and sign up: http://www.motorsportreg.com/
so this is a house for shy nudists?
I think people with mk1 scirocco's, or toyota supras may disagree. just to mention one of each
I watched a stock CRZ autocross a few times it it actually seemed to be an alright car. I'll admit I have never driven one but I would guess most of the people on here, that say they are crap, haven't either.
not to mention: wifi, bluetooth, gps (with navigation), accelerometers, high res cameras, front facing cameras (video calls), web browsers... oh but no angry birds so it cant be a smart phone
Did no one here use N-series devices back in the mid 2000's? They led the smartphone market for many years. Then right around they time the iPhone came out it seems they lost the ability to adapt to new tech.
An Italian car that comes pre loaded with salt water and electrical problems? sign me up
What kind of car was this?
that must be for kamikaze missions
This is clearly just Apple seeing a future trend filing patents so they can sue people for technology they dont actually use just own rights for. Apple is trying to prevent competition which is bad for all of us, the consumers.