
ANYTHING that is supposed to be attached with some type of adhesive. This includes but is certainly not limited to:

I don't think they are OZ superleggara. Pause at 0:38 note the ring connecting the spokes.

I think I woud be more concerned about any CO (carbon monoxide = deadly) this fireplace emits than CO2 (carbon dioxide = usually not deadly)

I havent seen this on the list yet: Audi Coupe Quattro. The early ones are already getting expensive but you can still find an affordable later generation one every now and then.

Anyone know what wheels those are?

Finally a car with rocket pods. No more getting stuck behind a slow Prius ;)

You might find this video interesting:

I think the euro A5 sedan looks pretty nice too but I'm not sure if it is technically in the same "class" as these other 4 door coupes.

The coolest way might be with two of these. I mean subzero cool. Throw that on your top gear wall

I'm not sure why you would pay $380 for the Sony DSX-S310BTX when you can get the Sony DSX-S300BTX on Amazon for $160. The only feature trade off is the on screen pandora controls. Is that really worth $220 to you?

The Weismann MF4 should be on the list. The front is nice but the back is excellent.

I just noticed how much the back looks like a BMW z4 especially in the taillights.

What app is it that you use to record and take notes? do you use an external mic?

Does the Maserati Birdcage count?

Rolls vs. Bentley

This seems like an obvious answer:

This Lego McQueen from the movie Cars. It's not a "real" car but it is probably one of the most realistic. I saw this at their Enfield, CT offices and the detail is amazing!

Can your car do that?

Sterling Sebring powered by an air cooled VW motor.

This Sterling Sebring because electronic pop-up canopy roof.