
What BAT taught me is that every generation grows up and thinks the shit they liked when they were in high school is worth assloads. We all mock Boomers but now we look back fondly on Blockbuster and CDs. People paying $20k for rare Magic the Gathering cards n shit.

Gremlins are very collectible right now, so that was a poor example. But, that person is right. If you love the car, collect it. No don’t listen to what anyone who thinks they know better has to say. If you’re happy, they don’t know better.

Yeah, there has to be some serious money laundering or crypto laundering going on through BAT.

“Any 90's BMW”
LOL. Go look at what E34 M5's are going for and get back to me. 

i’m starting to suspect that BAT exists solely to turn bitcoin gains into something you can feel and smell.

I’m fully prepared for BaT to prove us wrong and have a 225 mile Chevette go for $47k some day.....and that day is probably sooner than any of us expect.

As a technician, I appreciate....deeply.....the amount of data that my scan tool provides me. I want to see it ALL. I want to see what the ECU sees when I press a window button, activate a dome light, or what gear is being commanded.

I also want to see freeze frame data from when your MIL illuminated. What was the

Or the mfgs could just make their subscriptions free to licensed techs. Keep the security and the issue of danger to customers (which is just their propaganda BS) goes away.

Alright, I’ll buy into their shenanigans - provided that the automakers get their dealers provide repair service at a 24-hour, 7 day a week basis. There’s nothing worse than being stranded during the weekend and being told to wait until the dealer opens on the next working day to get your vehicle serviced, especially

they saw what happened with ODB II and swore NEVER AGAIN and immediately put anything that wasn’t explicitly required to be defined in a standard way into security through obscurity format and then started charging out the ass for the translator modules.

“Massive, irreversible wealth gap makes itself known with every passing day as once-affordable hobbies fall out of reach of all but the most well-off

Yep, government helped alright.

i can totally see it being both. i mean if i had money to launder, it might as well be through things that i think are beautiful. 

The R107’s are all over the place. Because they were so solid, a lot of people didn’t maintain them. Low mileage, maintained and garaged 560’s are highly sought after.

There are a lot of yo-yo values on BaT...if you want a ‘deal’, check out auctions ending on Monday or even Tuesday. And, apparently, right around a holiday helps a lot. But why do cars that are so similar wind up with such varying final prices? Perfect example is R107 Mercedes SLs...they are all OVER the place.

possible alternate title, “Money Laundering or Emotional Buy?”

I think you have to view this car as cheap appliance, then it all starts to make sense. A $300 dollar refrigerator if you will.

Fun fact, the increasing popularity of crossovers and SUVs is offsetting all the positive strides made to reduce global emissions through electric vehicle sales.”

Eh, that may have been true at one point but the horse is well and truly out of the barn. If someone really wants to steal a car, they can just go to YouTube and search “how to steal X Car”. Failing that, there are probably a dozen posts on hundreds of obscure forums telling you how to steal any particular make or

The thing about hot-wires is.. Nobody really wants to make their movie into a how-to for vehicle theft. If some movie ever did “get it right” there would be pressure from insurers, law enforcement, and manufacturers to cut that scene.