
I’ve always wanted Torchinsky to do an article on the most obscure vehicles to appear in Dragon Ball. Even the movies got in on the act by having Roshi driving a Caterham in the end credits!

It’s right up there for me as well... You’re not a frugal bastard, this is ridiculous and a mint 900 turbo should not be more than $10-$12K. They weren’t an unbelievably engineered car when they came out. The interior is alright, but nothing special.

This is a “collector” car because it is awkward, which I and many

Someone is paying ludicrous amounts of money for cars that have never brought that much before, so the inference is that the bidders are taking ill-gotten gains and paying a premium for cars, which in a cash transaction legitimizes the money because the seller cannot be accused of knowing or held responsible for the

OK, I need someone to explain the steps on how money laundering could be at play on BaT. Every time a BaT story is published, it’s a guarantee that you’ll find allegations of money laundering in the comments.  Someone...please, explain it to me like I’m 5 years old (Michael Scott-style):

Is SAAB 900 SPG a dream car? For me it’s close. I’d part with $10k to $12K of my hard earned bank to own this 900. $57k is Rainman $400 Snicker pricing IMHO. I know I’m a frugal bastard, but What the Heck! 

Now that GMC price is just ridiculous. I mean if you are pure GMC fan and hate the new looks of the current GMC truck (pretty much everyone that is not blind) and can see maybe dropping 30-35k for that? It is the last of the non-DEF diesels.

I “get” a lot of these because the collector market is just flush with cash at the moment, but that truck doesn’t make a damned bit of sense. It is just an old truck. Not a classic truck, just old. I see them in condition like that every day. Why in the world would someone pay that kind of money for that truck?

Are you sure that this particular ad campaign is geared towards American/Western youth when we know two things for sure:

The boss said to do astoner idea + illustration” article, here it is.

Definitely trying for Torch. I'm sure he's flattered, and somewhat embarrassed this is what someone took from years of his posts.

Going for a Torch vibe, but missing? And the picture puts me in mind of a Linder from back in the day:

gonna guess the BMW comment isn’t about styling but rather the whole “we took over jewish businesses and used slave labor during the third reich” thing

Your sarcasm has a lot of truth in it.

Top 5 reasons for increased highway fatalities:

Cars may be safer from a crash test point of view...but there are also a lot of huge cars and trucks, and cars that are obscenely fast, and some that are both huge and insanely fast.  Combine that with a low point of entry to get/keep a drivers license and a lot of people who drive like selfish, reckless idiots, and

You are not. I’ve wasted many an afternoon doing exactly that.

I’m guessing I’m not the only Jalop that also gets lost in reading entries on TVTropes.com...

Regarding the Prius, there’s this TV trope called Early Installment Weirdness. No matter which long-running series you watch, it’s almost certain that it will experience this phenomenon. Basically, it takes a little while before a show comes into its familiar dynamic that it’s known for. Pilot episodes are usually

I have a friend who owned a second-generation Fusion back in college

What amazes me about Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars is that the ordinary ones are the same price as they were when I was a kid 45-50 years ago. Not as nicely made, but still, that’s kind of amazing. And good enough to be destroyed by kids.