
The A80 wasn’t much of a looker either (the wheels bleh), with some simplistic body mods the a90 could be a huge show stopper.

Unless you are in New Zealand,i have experienced a few “car people” who dislike this car.

What early Japanese car didn’t have rust issues?

The only car where putting a v8 in it makes it more “economical”. 

Why do these things drink so much fuel yet they barely produce power?

Unless you are a hot wheels collector, meh why do people hype up this casting so much?

*until you crash. 

Bingo! sometimes it is better to get a car that has spent a well cared for life with fairly high mileage (these are two decade old cars what do you expect?) than something like this. 

That’s like one reason why a Valiant Charger E49 (it was a freaking beast when it hit the scene back in 1972) costs as much as a house almost but then they only made like 149 of them.

Yeah that makes a whole lot of sense, if someone was born in the mid 70s they would be almost middle aged and they would of been in their early 20s when this car was brand new. 

If the upcoming successor is cheaper than its predecessor obviously there is something wrong. actually this makes the A90 pricing seem like a bargain.

Yay thanks for giving the great Rootes group some attention even if it was incredibly minor.

You do realise Toyota doesn’t have a Inline 6 to work with right? its incredibly expensive to develop a new engine family especially for one car. And no they wouldn’t use a near 30 year old engine, that’s like Ford selling the new Mustang with a 302.

The only issue is the fact the styling is a little “busy” but what new car isn’t in this day and age?

In case he is planning on going “Postal”. 

So the front end of the A80 looks like a gecko.

Why hasn’t Carlos become a meme yet? 

Anyone from Vinesauce is a great example of an awesome streamer especially Joel. they even do charity streams every year. 

Does Collectible instantly mean unobtainable for the regular guy? I was wanting to get a Galant GTO in the future but if they become 6 figure cars (e.g RX3 Mazda) I might have to forget about that. Hope my future car Mechanic wages will be able to afford one.

The base models are surprisingly cheap. but they have square headlights.