
Wow...What a heartbreaking story.

Third from the bottom photo is the BEST

It’s disrespectful of the family to do this. And there will certainly be people attending the funeral who knew and loved her as a woman.

I feel like “Deeply Rooted Psychological Warfare” sums up the whole of 2017.


Them’s fightin’ words, Matt!

Even those cinnamon buns look unappetizing now

I wish the TSA agents at my airport would display this level of humor. These posts are great!

That’s very specific, but...okay.

1000 Lumps of Coal for Kushner

Never Forget.

MegYn Kelly does not play well with others.

She looks deranged in this picture.

That wouldn’t surprise me at all.

Can you add Jimmy Fallon and Hugh Jackman to the “Please Better Not Be a Creep” list?

There’s only one solution for NBC: Bring back TAMRON HALL and give MegYn Kelly’s entire hour to ANN CURRY. There.

The movie “Idiocracy” has finally come true.

I just Googled a picture of Scott Walker. Something looks wrong with him.

We eat at 1pm. That leaves plenty of time for the meal and cleanup before the Cowboys play at 4.

I take a nice hot shower, then sit on the bed and blow dry my hair with a brush. The warmth on my head makes me feel comforted and loved.