
I am so sorry

Here is our 12 year old Labradoodle Sandy!

I watched it twice today and thoroughly enjoyed it. Duet with Jamie Foxx was my FAVORITE!

Or my child would have thrown Legos and 12 pacifiers over it. AND her spoon.

Oh, YAY!!!!! Can’t wait! I’ll get the popcorn ready

YOU’RE out of YOUR grammar element.

So is she going to be doing this when she’s 60?

I don’t know how I’ll cope without my daily fix of MegYn Kelly Today, Today

In his Lamborghini

What was the nuns’ motive in the first place for claiming the property was theirs and wanting to sell to Hollister? Sticking a middle finger to the diocese (you can’t tell us what to do)?


Agree. Can’t stand to watch him on DWTS. Have to turn my eyes away from the tv

I see what you did there

I hate her even more after today’s show

MegYn was seething with barely repressed rage but you handled it with aplomb, Bobby. God I hope MK reads these comments. She isn’t fooling anyone.

I think she wanted to give Bobby The FINGER

What was she like in person?

Fat I can deal with, but I find Shelton’s complexion so UNATTRACTIVE

Megyn literally looks like a MANNEQUIN in the screen capture. I’m frightened!!!!

If you cut and combed his hair, a young George Peppard from Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Sorry I don’t have a picture. I’ve always found him to be very handsome