
Honost reply: everything. It’s the very definition of sex. Especially that 4 door hardtop. Cruising with mine with all the windows down and no B pillar is a joy like no other. Not to mention the sounds my car makes...

My 67 impala sport sedan. Just like the Winchesters. So did I get the job?

Did you know mlk was killed by the US government? It came up when MLKs family sued. Look it up.

Honostly, that was pretty funny.. If this was in LA, it would be a lot more tragic, violent, and would likely lead to many more deaths after the incident. Instead we got some funny video footage of 2 old men fighting and no one being killed. I count this as a win.

Clearly these guys are based out of New York. They should see LA drivers. Look at someone wrong for a second and it might be the last time you look anywhere.. Lol and the sad part is that I’m not even joking.

Jack. Jack is in the box. I thought everyone knew this already.

That was really nice of you man, you sir deserve a medal!

Ahhh I should have realized that. I remember laughing at that. Apologies.

Lol... Google Armenia now bruh. See who lived on Azeri land before Mongols invaded started calling themselves turks.

I wish it were that easy man. But its hard to just focus on the racing when you know by doing so and watching the event, you’re essentially supporting a gag rule on freedom of speech and the murder of many innocent people. Then there’s the whole part of being a fake country created on the land of others by Stalin to

On which part? Starting pogroms against its Armenian population in the late 80s early 90s? Subsequently, losing a war they should have easily won? Threatening to start another war everyday because they’re butthurt that they’re fake country lost a war for land that was never theirs? Or for they’re stand up human rights

An oil kleptocracy based off Stalin attempting to make friends where none existed. Azerbaijan was literally created on Ancient Armenian lands to appease the Turks... Google Ancient Armenia, then Google Ancient Azerbaijan. If anything you will get some good laughs.

Actually, I don’t think that point could be stressed enough. Aliyev is a little baby and his country is complete crap literally created by Stalin in the 20th century to appease Turkey and try to bribe Turkey into joining the USSR.