Twins! Same name, same predilection towards Mustang IIs...except in my timeline it wasn’t a 74 that I ended up cannibalizing for my ‘76, it was a 77 that I immediately sent to the scrapyard afterwards.
Twins! Same name, same predilection towards Mustang IIs...except in my timeline it wasn’t a 74 that I ended up cannibalizing for my ‘76, it was a 77 that I immediately sent to the scrapyard afterwards.
As an avowed fan of the Mustang IIs, I understand and get a lot of the hate that they received - misplaced as it may be.
The Terror was non-fiction
Fuel by Metallica has a lot of excellent cars.
How in the world would their legal dept sign off on this as it would seem to open them up to a ton of frivolous “I didn’t smuggle those, the system should have detected it!” lawsuits.
Any mission to colonize Mars would be 1-way. The impossible conditions, lack of resources, and inability to receive aid in anything close to a timely manner would ensure that the chances of anyone being able to return are slim to none.
Steven Wright:
Condorman taking on the fleet of black Porsches was the highlight of my day (pretty much every day, since it was shown on HBO what felt like every single day)
“Don’t commit two crimes at the same time”
Used Aztek! I had a co-worker who was 4'11" and her husband is 6'11". The only car they found that they could both comfortably drive was an Aztek. I see them around town and they still have it in 2024.
Rode the high speed rail in Spain a few times earlier this year. Such a smooth experience.
Charger infrastructure in the mid-west.
This isn’t the Charger you want, I know. You want the ‘68, and this isn’t that. The cabin shape is all different, even if the front end looks the same, and this isn’t the car that will let you live out your Dukes of Hazzard dreams.
4a) Call Lester to bribe the cops
Just lean on something with a stronger breakaway point
Funny that one of the reasons was that it was killed was that it couldn’t earn the “Trail Rated” badge by completing the Rubicon.
We had one of these shops for about 2 years before it went out of business. It was awesome - multiple lifts, tools for loan/rent, and they even taught classes. We had them teach a class on changing gears for our jeep club.
This happened to me as well
It’s a corollary to the rule of “Don’t break two laws at the same time”.
That’s kind of misleading - you’re showing a base firebird vs. the z28.