Duncan Idaho

Keri Russell is an exquisite performer. I have seen only one episode of The Americans and intend to binge it sometime soon but by all accounts, she continues to be a marvel on that show.

One episode, or a couple of characters would be a gimmick. Samantha and Serena in Bewitched was a gimmick. Having one actor perform convincingly as the majority of your roles and cast for 4 seasons is art. It’s the core conceit of the show, and it is executed better than any show or movie has ever done.

I don’t care if

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That seems to jive with my experience. That was the last year a fan run Trek convention happened in Calgary, and I think it came down to the sheer amount of Trek shows and Trek movies finally sating people’s appetite for it. If anything, I think you saw the highest passion in the days when all people had was reruns of

It’s true and often forgotten that Star Wars was basically absent from 1983 to 1999.

Case in point, Abigail Breslin was nominated for supporting actress for Little Miss Sunshine a few years ago, she was just a year or two older, and nobody made creepy jokes about her, put her down for being confident, or called her a cunt. And all of you who insist that it's not because she's black, because you

New Orleans is my hometown. I can't even begin to describe how proud I am of Quvenzhané. Those who have never been here just can't understand what it means to be from there and to live there post-Katrina. You're right about how deeply we feel and show our love for each other down here. Being from the American South,

I was in shock after reading that tweet. And it's awful that this little girl has to see so many people tearing her down when she just made a HUGE achievement. Do people even think what it's going to do to a child's development when they call her something like that?? And now people are freaking out because they don't

I saw Beasts of the Southern Wild and was blown away by her performance. When I later saw interviews with Ms. Wallis, my impression is that she's level-headed and self-assured. She never came across as bratty or full of herself.

She's NINE YEARS OLD. How the fuck is she "supposed" to act? Is there a book or a DVD? Because WeePiglet is creeping up on 7 years old and if there is a standard of decorum for a nine-year-old who has been nominated for an Academy Award, we should probably have a look at it so she doesn't act all "full of herself"

Yeah. It's the same reaction people had to Jaden Smith when he was promoting the Karate Kid. I've never seen commentors have this reaction to a white child actor.

Plus, we were ALL obnoxious to some degree at 9.

Hey, good idea, let's play the "I'm not racist, but..." game! Fun for the whole family.

Bratty means impolite and unruly. Name one occasion where she has been either of those. She is not egotistical. She is confidant. Why is it wrong for a little girl who is in a high pressure situation to be confidant? She get's insults and criticism hurled at her every day. She doesn't deserve her adulation because she

Because she didn't raise the roof was which a signature move in the movie. lol if people would have seen the movie they would have kept their mouths shut. Poor girl. This is why the internet is the devil. Demonizing a poor 9 year old girl's reaction. Lord help us all. lol

How can you decide to dislike a child for so long. She is a baby. All she does is based on influences of those around her. "Colorblind" or not - the existence of which being debatable - how can you feel so strongly against a child you don't even know? Its just not right. A little girl in the midst of a publicity

The worst thing is that Seth MacFarlane, and the asshole at the Onion who came up with that shit are just perpetuating the idea that you are oversensitive and if we can't just laugh at their jokes, and accept that some people just honestly un-racistly think that she needs to learn some humility then we are making

So, you're not a racist, just a sad misanthrope. Thanks for clarifying!

Go back to Amish town, where children are seen and not heard. Heaven forbid a child actually be a child.

Wow please never have children you crusher of spirits and joy.

Yes, how dare a 9 year old girl (who is only the 10th black person to receive a best actress nomination in the 85 year history of the Academy Awards) be proud of herself and express her excitement!