Douche Gossage

You certainly cleared that up. Willfully obtuse, it is.

Unless you’re trying to be ironic, that is an amazing evasion of the consequence of those facts. The equivalent of saying, “Oh no. I didn’t set the bomb off. I merely found all the parts, assembled them in a very specific manner, and gave the package to a fellow enthusiast. I don’t want to hurt anyone, I’m just

You fall into that old classic in which you assume the state of Israel is synonymous with being Jewish. You guys are the same people who conflate any criticism of the state of Israel with anti-semitism. You’re wrong during those arguments and you’re wrong in your reply. There are plenty of people of Jewish heritage

Pretending that the racist things a racist says and does isn’t disagreeable is something that racists have been doing for a good 400 years or so now. Pretending that a person who disagrees with a racist assed racist means that that person believes “everyone” that person disagrees with is racist is another boring and