Douche Gossage

The Drug Kingpin may support the drug trade...but we have no evidence that he himself sells any drugs.

You know Hitler was part Jewish, right?
Are you gonna claim Hitler wasn’t anti-Semitic?

Claiming that “Calling everyone you disagree with a racist has been the old white Democrat ‘thing’ for 20 years now.” has been the old Republican ‘thing’ for well over 20 years.

Yes, this guy, who just unprecedentedly got added to the NSC and his actual quotes are the exact same thing as: Obama’s coming for all of our guns.

This guy who is a known and admitted white supremacist...call him a dangerous person is TOTALLY the same thing as thinking every Muslim in the world is trying to kill me.

You know what doesnt’ help at all? “Both sides do it”

I’m a pacifist. The idea that I just became anti-war becuase of Trump is two things: