
"Do you 'really' believe that there's some stored up conflict that exists between us? There 'is' no us. 'We' don't exist."

LOL, ya, that's a great line.

LOL, fair enough. I usually just skim through it when it gets the writing gets a little to "Yale-ee", even for me. When a writer uses words like "garrulous", you know they're just frustrated they're working on a blog like this, after all that money spent on university.

it's a blog, and so I don't expect much. When your expectations are so low, it's nice when they are rise above the level of pondscum. And compared to the downhill writing spirals of formally great places like Deadspin and Slate, I think this one is doing pretty well. It's AV club, so I don't expect the Washington

It's the modern way at being balanced in an article. Make fun of him and attack before you sum up the positive. Think of it as the Jeffrey Ross method of writing.

I think you hit the perfect word whether you like TJ or not: "goofy". If you like goofy drug inspired comedy, then TJ is your man. If not, he might not be for you.

"delightfully awful, miserable scum-sucking dirtbag"

I hate Jay Mohr, and that's why this show was so perfect for him. It is one of those shows it's fun to hate the protagonist, because he's such a terrible person. But of course, after awhile, you start to sympathize with him which makes it even funnier. One of the best lines in the history of television "We got to

This is America's "Faulty Towers". It's a masterpiece of comedy in only a few episodes, so far ahead of its time, only now would it be able to survive on HBO, let alone Network TV. (What the hell was Fox thinking). It also shows you actually how movies and TV shows are made. It's so good, you feel like you understand

A masterpiece of comedy, sadly way ahead of its time. Only now would people be able to watch on HBO and for it to be lauded, let alone it being on network TV in 1999. What was Fox thinking? It's too bad, as this is one hilarious show that actually looked, from a producer's point of view, how things were made.

Pitt was also deeply high.

I think it's the author who's been "had". As has been told many times by all those who participated, all the girls knew that Joe Millionaire was poor after about 2 shows. They were actually going to just go on as usual, until they saw the dailies, and saw they had gold. Then all the girls just started acting like

The best thing about Death To Smoochy is that it helped destroy Jon Stewart's movie career, so he put his total energy into The Daily Show. For that alone, Death should be known as one of the world's most successful failures.

I love that bit now. He finally got the timing of it, and now it's really smart.

He definitely has been trying that in the last few weeks without any positive results.

What it interesting is that it used to be the complete opposite. Fallon used to get millions, and Colbert used to get only 100's of thousands. If you look at the old videos, Fallon used to get some over 10 million. Since the ill fated Trump interview, not anymore.

But for some reason I find that comforting. Carrie died when she was still vital, still stirring up the world. Debbie, she had had her incredible life, and it was time. Both died after living lives that will be written and talked about forever, which both needed and wanted. I'm sorry, but that's exactly the way I

I'm no fan of Dylan's personality, but it's time to attack this idiot at Nobel. Yes, you awarded him the prize, and yes it would be polite for him to accept it. But he is under no obligation to come, and he can deal with it anyway he wants. The fact that you expect him to do what you want in order to give you more

Actually it works as one of the best get out the vote videos out there. Well done Aziz.

If Arnold is saying your misogyny is too much, then you're really screwed.