Kanye has used his as an excuse to be an asshole, and refuses to get help. This was true long before he put on the MAGA hat. Naomi is raising awareness and trying to work through hers, putting her mental health over fame and fortune.
Kanye has used his as an excuse to be an asshole, and refuses to get help. This was true long before he put on the MAGA hat. Naomi is raising awareness and trying to work through hers, putting her mental health over fame and fortune.
Wish it had been one of those Chargers with the multicolored flashing lights, that'd have been great.
I’m guessing the difference in cost between what they’ll spend for the ‘22 and how much they can make off the ‘21 is less than they would have spent in nation-wide advertising which is essentially what this is now.
How do you pronounce that name? Come ‘ere natty?
Don’t you realize that God created fossils to test our faith?
Depending on the infraction, companies can be fined up to 50 million Yuan (roughly $7,690,00 USD), or have their entire “illegal income” that was earned off unconsenting customers seized by Chinese authorities.
This might be the Batshitmobile.
I figured the antifa rumors in Oregon got started because people who aren’t familiar with land use out West heard “BLM” on the news and assumed it was Black Lives Matter, not Bureau of Land Management.
fuck the costumer
I blame white on white crime (reference dailymail or 20/20 these jokers kill their whole families)... along with nature disproving their superiority complex.
I grew up in Sac till I was 27 with a very diverse population... pretty sure us whiteys were the minority.
Report is incomplete. Where’s the data on:
I am setting my bar low so I cannot be disappointed. As a joke, I am calling a 1.6T 4-pot with a CVT on a crossover platform.
If Emme seemed unphased, perhaps she should slow down and do this gradually, rather than all at once.
The youth should learn about credit the way a lot of people first learned about credit. By getting a free T-shirt for applying and proceeding to overspend at 24% interest. At least that’s how I got the most expensive T-shirt I ever had.
Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I personally think paying cash for a car is kind of misguided in most situations. When you consider the time value of that money, it makes a lot more sense to finance the car (assuming a good rate is available) and then invest the cash in an ETF or mutual fund where you can be…
Notice that these are all supervisors communicating in a fashion that they know creates a public record subject to FOIA requests. They’re unlikely to do otherwise in this day and age. Particularly the PIO - these are guys who know this is a really bad look and don’t like having to answer questions from the media and…
This entire back and forth is fabricated damage control