66 Mustang + Hybrid + Mall Explorer

Or alternatively he’s setting up the court battle to finally imprison brown people indefinitely.

The problem being, if elected officials are anti-White Supremacy, they will lose every election from now till the end of time.

Senate Democrats did write legislation. 49 Democrats signed on. Not a single Republican did, hence it did not reach the floor.

I think this means for that segment, the stated market is the one that prefers that segment the most. So for E-segment cars, they are most popular in South Korea, where they are 20% of sales. Second place might be Luxembourg where E-segment cars are 19% of sales, and so forth.

Another way of thinking about “most cars” would be volume weighted by domestic content, and that’s going to completely skew towards the F-150. “Number of nameplates” though can be easily gamed.

So does it matter if the owner of OCF Coffee, a real estate developer, is fast gentrifying neighborhoods south of Center City? Not calling the cops on a group, but enacting policies to displace a whole community?

Part of the problem is the heavy reliance on word of mouth and referrals as a screener for applicants. The unquestioning belief that having social network endorsements means the person is likely to be better (demonstrating good fit with the company outside of “putting on a face” during the narrow interviewing process)

H1Bs, not culture, play a very large part in those numbers. Children of tech workers who received their US citizenship through the skilled immigration pipeline get counseled into continuing a tech career, because their parents don’t know any other choice, and also that’s where they have their “connections.”

The drawing of “South” California reaches into the part of central California home to McCarthy and Nunez, pretty sure it’s intended to trend red. I think in terms of cities within the same state competing against each other, they are unlikely to be able to waive statewide regs as an advantage, unlike municipalities in

If all of the spinoff states vote Dem at a rate similar to CA as a whole, then yes, you might have gained a few senators. Most likely “South” California will be a GOP stronghold, peeling off around 15 electoral votes and two senate seats.

The sick thing is that the model minority is a lie, perpetuated by people who can’t correct for educational attainment and cost of living.

To be fair, Asians built much of the American West.

If you think about it as “Admin needs to keep this liability away from the people he might harm, but Admin can’t legally punish him before he’s convicted in a court of law” paid suspensions might make more sense.

It also appears that he could use the stock front window glass?

Interesting, though not quite interesting enough. 30 years is long enough to make it not pleasant for anyone who’s not a car geek to daily. Too small of a rolling window and then we have people just driving old cars that fail smog.

Sorry, I was working with outdated information. I stand corrected.

a ‘75 is not emissions exempt in California, which is where this car currently lives.

Mark my words, that digital plate (with tracking) is going to be used to support new per-mile licensing fees. Hell, if you pair the California HOV sticker with the mandatory digital plate and per-mile fees people will eat that shit up.

White people in the know tell me that the #3 option is “Gymboree Play & Music.”

Are we 100% sure this isn’t FCA’s official Beast competitor? After all, the current Beast is simply GM’s interpretation of this concept.