66 Mustang + Hybrid + Mall Explorer

I’m with you in saying it’s never going to happen, but if it really did get to the point where even Pence, the cabinet, and 2/3 of both chambers were fed up with him, they can pass a law to remove him from office and override the veto. Like if he does try to singlehandedly turn the USA into a banana republic, there

I’ve met plenty of people in my life across the entire political spectrum, I’ve never met someone who routinely fails to show up to work.

I’ve met plenty of people in my life across the entire political spectrum, I’ve never met someone who routinely fails to show up to work.

If the premise is correct that any additional disposable income to the poor is going to be whittled away by those who own assets, why bother even pretending we have a capitalist society at all? Go straight back to feudalism where people worked solely in exchange for food and housing. Obviously workers have zero

It’s sad to think about, but methinks the only reason she even got charged was because the crossing guard she spit on was white.

Pretty sure it’s a black female cop, though.

I wouldn’t be so sure. The major difference between government bureaucrats and VC funders mostly comes down to political ideology. Government bureaucrats evaluate programs on objective, articulated standards, and VC funders just throw ideas at charismatic white boys.

I wish I could call what Bannon is doing incompetence, but it’s not. It seems carefully written to appeal to the white nationalist base, and when reasonably centrist judges and legislators throw out and obstruct everything they can cry about the “deep state” and then throw the moderate Republicans out.

I’m pretty sure if you offered to take all the Chrysler pension obligations they will pretty much throw in Plymouth for free.

So you’re meaning to tell me that they should be happy that the Federal “bureaucracy” gets shrunk not an iota because all the cuts get funneled straight to the DoD?

The approval process for government grants pretty much accomplishes the same thing, to see if the return is worth the risk. It seems like you think the government hands out money to anyone who asks but if the DOE grants are anything like the NIH grants maybe 1 person out of 20 gets funded.

The difference is that private capital firms are playing with our 401(k) money, so we don’t see the obvious ties between our pocketbooks and their funding sources.

Never mind the “free market” (read: government) giving railroad companies free land a mile around their built rail lines. Never mind the free market giving us rat-meat sausages. Never mind the free market ripped up all the rail lines in LA and forced people to burn gas for commuting. The “free market” loves to dump

See 25th Amendment, section 4:

Part of the point of this ugly thing was that parts would be easily available. Pretty sure that 4.6L V8 is (or can be) natural gas powered seeing most of the drivetrain is lifted straight from the Crown Vic.

Fairly sure that Gizmodo Media already pays for this particular venture, or at least affords David Tracy a sizable work-related expenses deduction.

Of course, Grind(e)r, Sub, and Foot-long Hero all mean something else, but I’m not sure they could have foreseen that decades ago...

So tell me what constitutes “astronomically high” taxes?

That presumes that the people who didn’t vote were disproportionately reasonable, which isn’t a given.

No no no, they merely believe that’s not the government’s job, and that private sector (read: religious) charities should be able to step in.