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Their cheerleaders are already in mid season form as well.

My girlfriend just read that to me, and I did not believe her (she's cute but quite gullible) but now I'm just sick. Oh well, at least it removes any expectations, which is nice.

Call a field a pitch of you wanna, refer to a team as a side if you must, but I will never, never, never understand why the collective "are" as opposed to the singular "is" must be used. Might as well put ketchup on a hotdog.

You are absolutely, 100%, definitively correct. Just don't tell anyone.

I guess if the headline said
"...Somehow Joe Torre is the One Punished"
and I was like
"Um, y'mean Joe Girardi?"
I'd be an asshole lout wannabe?
The headline is wrong, I pointed it out. I am a tool.
Got it.
No worries y'all, for real.

God forbid you learn something.

Just trying to help a writer I enjoy reading on a site I enjoy reading with something I think he got wrong. You implying egotistical motives still doesn't diminish the point.
Not hating, just saying.

Wikipedia is all you've got vs. Oxford English Dictionary, google, and Merriam- Webster? I guess you win.

I can assure you I understand the language of the game, but my understanding of what a beaning is comes more from my understanding of the English language, it's usage, and how it's defined.

You're right, who cares? It's just a means for communicating accurately between individuals. What's so important anyway.
Seriously though, just link me a definition that supports your position.

Because that would somehow lend credibility to my contention?

What I'm saying is, at some point Google, the O.E.D., and Merriam would recognize a change in the usage, right? Are they not an accurate portrayal of the standard? Do they not seem democratic enough for you? Can you show me a reference that defines beaning as "hitting someone with a baseball on any part of their body?"

Nope. Just because a bunch of people use a word incorrectly doesn't mean a word's definition has changed. And I don't think "google" could seriously be defined as an arcane source for usage.

A "beaning" is a pitch to the head. This is not that.

Call me crazy, but I see England to be a walk all over The Peruvians in the Falkands.

And then he holds it aloft, showing it off like he's freaking Brooks Robinson or something. Dude, you picked it up off the ground after missing it.
Worst person ever.

Nothing is presumed intil hes adjudicated at bail hearing. Idiot.

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So good. +1

Damnit, I was thiiiiis close to forgetting.