
You know that 3 of the 10 largest cities in the country are in Texas right? And all 3 of them have gone for democrats in the last several elections.

I think the reason he got banned is they probably weren’t his friends, just other randoms. I am admittedly guessing however.

With HD it’s mostly moot. Maybe they could broadcast the glowing puck on an alternate channel, for remedial viewers

It’s because you’re dead. You died.

I don’t understand why Crowder has a problem with it. It’s nothing personal. Boston fans just likee players like Heyward. Those sort of Larry Bird, Kevin McHale, John Havlicek types. You know, with that Bob Cousy determination and Dave Cowens fight.

He was muslim, yah dingus.

But why? Its an earned honorific that has exactly zero effect on your well being and provides respect and a sense of community to those in the business.

How is that odd? Guys like Jimmy Johnson, Jon Gruden and countless others who are now broadcasters still get called “coach” all the time.

I like Mark Sanchez too, but I wouldn’t go that far.

Trainers knew Petty was concussed when they asked him where Ryan Fitzpatrick went to college and he didn’t know the answer.

Interested to see how the hype machine dills with his loss.

There’s none of the Shakespearean space politics, enticingly florid dialogue, or experiential thrills of the best of George Lucas’s “Star Wars” entries (“Attack of the Clones” and “Revenge of the Sith”).

JEFF FISHER: I’m not fucking going 7-9!

*One finger of the Monkey’s Paw closes*

Counterpoint, you should have a column of only dark relationship advice.

That’s a real general dumb rule.

The only frame of reference they have is the experiences they’ve had in their lives so far. You won’t hear a 20-year-old pause and say: “You know what? I’m young and inexperienced and immature. The smart thing for me to do right now is to walk away. There will be other men/women as I journey through life, so there is

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

At that age, you don’t have the luxury of being wise enough to know better. You think your relationship is everything and that shit will last forever because you’re too dumb to realize that none of it will matter five years from now or even next year.

This is a very strange and not super healthy way to think about relationships.