
Do you put them in the freezer then iron the pleated golf shorts and coral shirt, or vice-versa?


Ever freeze grapes? It is the shit.

Mrs. Bradley can't catch a break.

+1 PC gone wrong


Unless he's a catcher, definitely not wearing a cup.

Driving on a suspended license is neither a traffic violation, nor a small deal. Courts do not appreciate their orders being ignored.

Now playing

Hyperbolic much? This (or something similar) has happened to EVERY keeper with any experience. Bad hops, poor back passes, slips, cleats caught, etc.


Good god that's funny.

When I hear Thomas the Train's whistle (like 20x a fucking day) I must resist the Pavlovian urge to smash my set.

Rakim is God.

Now playing

"But is having that minor skill worth it? That's for the fan to decide."

Your brain works good.

Brosius is so cover his head. Lloyd, Nelson and he charge Benitez 3 on 1, and after Benitez dispatches those first two hair-pullers and Brosius gets head up clear with his target, he freezes until someone saves his ass by tackling him, and he gets to wrestling with that guy. Classic, "oh shit" moment When he realizes

Because a man thinking another man is sexy is sooooooo......shameful.

How many times did i coucil these guys on the evils of diving face first into white lines?

The edited version of this line is THE BEST, wish he would've pulled it: