(redacted: repetition)
I turned that game off in disgust with 1:00 to go, went to bed, and when I heard the score on the radio the next morning thought "That's funny, the announcer said the Rockets won. What a maroon. Local sports talk radio is such a mess."
I guess I'll buy "critically acclaimed," but "Austin author?"
You can site no such examplesa
Poor Astros having to compete in such a small market, with an outdated stadium, in such a non-sports town....its just so unfair.
Don't sweat it AJ, even the greats fail 65% of the time.
Calling that a whiff is like calling a blocked shot an airball.
I was a victim of a sexual assault in 1999. Got roofied, kidnapped, and assaulted, and feel lucky to have escaped with my life. The whole ordeal ended up with me in jail, on suicide watch, until I sobered up, remembered what happened, and convinced my jailers of my circumstances. I was transferred to the hospital…
So there's a crime in Florida called "negligent?"
He got hurt?!? Hadn't heard anything about it.
THEY AIN'T CARE is fantastic.
I need a scientific, peer-reviewed study on why athletes (and fans) make this reflexive, unconscious move of hands to the head when some crazy shit happens. Must be some evolutionary advantage in the deep recesses of the lizard brain, but I've no idea.
It is all that and more. Day: Made.
I doubt she was giving him the old evil eye there...