So basically like Saul Goodman’s older brother.
So basically like Saul Goodman’s older brother.
Pleeeaassseee tell me she’s going to go to jail. PLEASE? I need this so badly this year.
Wait. Is that really the same guy?
I’m shocked that 6'4" is considered the top height because of exactly everything you said. Shoes aren’t a prob since I take a 12 and those are very common. And half the time I can find 32w-34i pants at your typical mall store.
And exactly as they’ve always been.
10 years ago for me and went to the emergency room because my skull felt like it was splitting open. Still have no idea where or how I got it since I certainly wasn’t kissing my future ex-wife at the time.
10 years ago for me and went to the emergency room because my skull felt like it was splitting open. Still have no idea where or how I got it since I certainly wasn’t kissing my future ex-wife at the time.
I’m pretty sure fear has been the driving force for voting for a lonnnng time now.
She better wise up. Maybe even build her thighs up.
I know you’re only two books in and hopefully this isn’t considered a spoiler, but you just perfectly described every story King has written.
As a Sabres fan... Fuck it. Eating at Arby’s tomorrow.
My dosimeter gave a reading of 3.6 roentgen. Not great, not terrible.
Where I once would fear the taste of faux meat, now I only ask “What is the cost of some extra mustard?”.
By the way, NHL has to fix the playoff format. Consistently every year the first round is by far the most exciting which doesn’t bode well for ratings for the rest of the playoffs.
This just proves there’s too many people on this damn planet.
It’s too bad for Nimrod that he’s going against AO Nickleberry 3 right out of the gate. No shot at all
Can you provide any links to back this up that reference studies that aren’t politically biased? Because by all accounts the legalization of MJ has seen a measurable reduction of illegal drug trafficking... of MJ (imagine that). So I wouldn’t think that dealers are operating quite along the lines of business as usual.