I think you may need to go re-read the article and watch the accompanying video. Something seems off with your comment.
Yes!! Saw E6 with Local H in Denver a ways back and they tore my face off. Pretty sure that show was the direct cause of my persistent tinnitus.
Wow. I giggled with delight. 9/10
If only there........
In (and out) before someone posts the booger mobile from Jalopnik a couple weeks ago.
JFC. Fuck the racists and flag humpers and just sign Kaepernick already!!
Next year will be exciting when they’ll have 90 million dollars of cap space and they’ll be able to dump truckloads of money at high profile and valuable assets like the team has done in the past with Mario Williams, Charles Clay, Kelvin Benjamin, Corey Coleman, Vontae Davis and AJ McCarron being just a few recent shin…
Nathan Peterman.
That moment you realize your wife just pulled up to the house and your phone audio is paired to the car.............
I've had a long day, and this is so dumb I can't stop giggling at it.
Oh good, here comes the start of an obnoxious thread of puns.
Like the changing of the leaves in fall, something about seeing the first WYTS article each year gives me a feeling of nostalgia and warmth.
Um, this comment deserves stars people.
My Pillow has an F grade from the BBB.
My Pillow has an F grade from the BBB.
Office is near i70 and Pena and around 4 today I was for the first time considering where the best place to go would be if a tornado was about to hit. It got pretty nutty out there for a few minutes.
This must be your first visit to the Interwebs! Welcome, stranger!
Now I’m not one of those fancy pants, big city, high falutin like lawyers, but wouldn’t all rape be forcible?
Do you have a bush probably? Or...