garupazonkawi mokalawakiki

Full disclosure, I stopped at your first sentence - a sentence with which I completely agree.

All it takes is a little research into who he was, what he was doing, and who he was doing it for.  You won’t believe me, so do your own digging if you actually care. 

Interesting that you guys are commenting on e-celebs now. The actual far right hates those people already, so all you’re doing is legitimizing them to new audiences.

“Truth is what we say it is.”

Sweden?  Praying for her safety.  The third world is increasingly dangerous these days. 

Now there’s something we can agree on.  Press = a bunch of cowards. 

Can someone give me a quick rundown on why this matters in the slightest? 

Khashoggi was more than just a little worker bee at WaPo, friendo. 

Not just Alaska, here in MA Native Americans have had a historic week.

Had you been paying attention you would have realized this back in 2015 when Tomatoface first arrived. Man, that guy was awesome. Moving on, was he not the ultimate harbinger of things to come? Is he still not?

Wow, Democrats are disgusting. 

If it wasn’t, why would all of the third world want to immigrate here?

There’s a great gif of that out there if you care to search for it.  Yes, she’ll probably die soon.  She won’t willingly step down. 

A more decent approach to this enormous national security issue is a wall.

Revenge? Enforcing laws is... revenge? Lol I don’t think you understand the implications of what you just said.

Starred for Beer Kavanaugh respect.  He is truly a much better person than most of us.  But... Ginsburg to step down?  Zero chance.  They will reanimate her corpse with electrical fuses before they allow Trump another pick.

To my understanding you must have a college degree and a job to be in Proud Boys.  Unlike Antifa, who are mostly homeless drug addicts and mentally ill folks who are paid to mask up and knock over garbage cans. 

Probably because they don’t hurl bottles of human waste at said police?

Remember the Trump-Russia story? That was a good one. Don’t hear much about that anymore. Probably because everything is super secret and hidden until Mueller drops the hammer, right? We can hope anyway. Let’s just keep believing that. It makes us feel better. Who can really know or understand anything anyway right? I

“morally bankrupt” “inherently” “good end” “no one worth following says”