garupazonkawi mokalawakiki

Twisting the knife huh?  I don’t blame you I guess.  Still hoping though.  Median lifespan for American females is 84. 

Aaaand the cigarette smokers showed up right on schedule.  Sorry that your addiction is no longer cool.  That is not our problem though.  Please take your concern to reddit. 

There is but one, final solution to all our troubles and I think we both understand what that is, what it entails, and how difficult it will be. We know the work to be done will be trying, we know it will test our core values in a deeply human and personal way. At times we will hate ourselves for it and it is exactly

Growing economic inequality is a result of asset inflation caused by the Fed in the wake of the financial crisis. Income doesn’t make you a billionaire. You should know that by now. It follows that income tax doesn’t solve our current predicament. You should know that by now too.

I would like her to give me money.

@ TheGCU

I hear this all the time from people trying to steal my idea and get to market first. You can try, and if you’re smart you will, but I’m more familiar with this community than almost anyone and know how to make this work. And we’re too far along now to be stopped, or even slowed, by an inferior vaper dating app.

As a conservative, this is pretty frustrating. Jimmy Carter is really throwing a wet blanket all over our hopes for the Supreme Court. Not because of what he’s saying here. He’s old and senile and wasn’t particularly bright even when he still had his mind. No, it’s his age. He’s so, so old. He’s 94 god damn years old.

@ TheGCU - Don’t dismiss my replies, and don’t claim to be one of us when you’re not. Vapers know vapers. You’re not in the club.

Don’t be embarrassed.  You fell for a vape troll.  Gets everyone eventually.  


I’m sorry. I actually do like Wisconsin a lot and used to participate in the Halloween riots in Madison somewhat frequently. Just a little salty from the 100% direct responsibility the state holds for getting Trump elected.

You are not a vaper. I can tell by your comment and the way you write. Vapers are much more direct than this scribble I’m still attempting to decode. Attempt over. I simply don’t have time for this kind of thing. I’m building this app, it’s called Viper Dating, and you can feel free to not sign up. In fact, username

This is proof that Democrats rely on people who don’t care or know anything about politics to vote for them.

How sick would it be to put a subdivision right in the middle of that ice field?

What did you need?  A flux capacitor or something?

I agree with a lot of your comment, but the analogy doesn’t work. A goal either happened or it didn’t. When dealing with social critiques, which is mostly what politics has become, there is no hard data set to use that is as irrefutable as a goal witnessed by a crowd and recorded by cameras. It would be a total waste

Good. Every last judge in this holy nation should be a gun-owning constitutionalist, just like Brett “Beer Me” Kavanaugh. That guy is pretty cool.

Hillary would have been our first girl president if not for Wisconsin.  How on earth can you - in 2018 no less - be proud of hailing from that frozen rural outpost?