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    Ok... let me get this straight.

    Mueller is rolling up the entire administration into a big blunt and boy is he gonna smoke it. Cohen is the match. Puff puff pass. This is about to get pretty weird guys!

    It’s not. #MuellerTime is here. Literally happening.

    Probably because he’s already cooperating with Trump via back channels to a pardon.  Typical Nazi.

    Surprised the cops didn’t wild out and shoot the victim

    Depends if he is found guilty or not. Knife crime is a weird one, usually tough to prove but sounds like they have video and if they do - bing bang got em.  

    I honestly believe that nobody will care about balloons or license plates though.  They best strike is always -- hunger strike. 

    This is why it’s such a bad idea to get in fights.  You never know when your going to lose.

    Those balloons are polluting our oceans and license plates I don’t care about.  

    He’s saying the inmates are sex offenders.

    How do you strike as a prisoner? Refuse to leave? Srsly don’t get this.

    Wow.  She is super passable.

    Not an option.  Sorry.

    Hi there,

    Where did I say this was about publicity? No. This is about political education, political experience, and credibility. That is where Chels truly shines.

    Chelsea is starting... from third base? What? If anything her enormous experience and extensive access to insider ball made everyone jealous of her and put her at a disadvantage. This article is proof.

    I don’t want to sound nasty but are you really comparing your own ability to learn on the fly with Chelsea’s?

    So what? Honestly. So what?

    Chels was the 1) First Daughter 2) Daughter of a Governor 3) Daughter of a Senator 4) Daughter of the Sec of State 5) Founded the Clinton Global Initiative [charity]

    No experience? She has at least the same experience as Hills does, without the official titles of course.