Now ex-boyfriend, I hope.
Did his boss get anything back out of them? I’d think he could have at least gotten liens on the cars stored at his property.
Mine too, except the last line is all caps.
Any resemblance was purely intentional - the guy in the middle was copied from James Garner.
Took me until my 35th; came out to one good friend I hadn’t seen in that long. Turns out he was OK with it; in fact his biggest burden had been harboring guilt that he’d swiped my peace sign pendant in junior high. (I forgave him.)
It was one of the ITV Gerry Anderson futuristic adventure shows that were all made using miniatures and marionettes; like Fireball XL5, Supercar, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, etc.
Or if you prefer the girl group sound (backed by the Blossoms with Darlene Love):
Halloween prank: My little brother dressed up in his skeleton costume to surprise our dog. After doing so quite successfully, little bro had to clean up what the dog left all over the kitchen floor.
Freedom fried!
Nah, he’ll just publicly pray the gay away while making mental notes about how not to get caught again.