
I’ve never had an issue pulling pits out by hand like an animal, regardless of use. I just start at the top and they turn and fall, maybe I’ll grab a spoon.

Mostly this is a result of not wanting to hone my knives again. 

A hero. 

Is it me or is than an aggressive amount of sidewall I LOVE IT 

i still really like these stuffed chicken thighs (lazy paste bc kinja is trash)

You’re right. I apologize. It’s not support this way, it’s attempting and at best it’s boorishly chauvinistic and does nothing to improve thought or conversation.

How can I best rephrase to say “you are who you are, don’t let a brief moment on the internet give you a complex about something out of your control”?

$3000 is a NP if that includes the $2000 sensor repair. 

Hip dips are hot as fuck for people that are into thighs and ass so please keep them if you have them 


Americans are idiots, please make mamba

GMC Acadia (first gen) is the first one that springs to mind

Well it’d be enough in my situation to finally move to Essex! Just have to sell the house we bought 3 months ago for more than the capital gains would hit us for. No problem!

I think they changed the little Italian flag location, so that’s how you know

idk man i feel like changing the transmission completely for a final production run of 600 cars might cost a shitload more money than they’d stand to make off a car that no one can differentiate from the last 10 years of variants

It started with the Countach, actually!

LP stands for Longitudinale and Posteriore, referring to the engine orientation.
780: horsepower figure
4: number of wheels driven

I know what you’re saying, but trust me: this is one of the easier ones.

Get the gloves anyway. It’ll make a box grater a lot less of a nightmare.

Someone whose fingertips aren’t perfectly round anymore

3000GT VR-4 noticeably absent, and I might be misremembering—later Lexus GSs had it as well? And GM’s entire Quadra Steer platform!

I can get my wheels curbed and pitted from the factory instead of it taking 3 -5 New England winters? What a time to be alive.

So with the death of the 3DS, Nintendo has to fill the portable market gap with something that they’ve had control of for.. 32? years.

Nintendo isn’t a company that sells hardware, they’re a company that sells games. $349 for a console that will run as well on any flat panel on sale today, vs. it’s apex contemporaries—

god damn it