i need the breakfast pizza
i need the scrambies
i need the breakfast pizza
i need the scrambies
do you think they’d be any good in a shitty beer?
manna from heaven
Comment that contains related meme and will be buried
“Customers often get very, very angry with shoppers because we’ve had to refund an item or maybe we bought the wrong item,” Jen told Insider. “I promise you, I’m not trying to mess up your order. I’m not deliberately trying to buy the wrong loaf of bread.”
Big reach here but in the good days of thinkgeek you could buy the ROMP (random oscillating magnetic pendulum). Might make a mess in the kitchen, but you could fine tune it to stay on a path probably? Like those trains they have in Japan. It would cost less than the robots at least!
I hate to say this on the internet…
i’ve invented a small robot that goes into your pan and does the whisking for you
i call it the roux-mba
This is a machine assisted run. Funny considering the story of this game. I’m a little bummed about how perfect the combat is. All of the voice and combat cues are perfectly timed—”i need to get out of here”/instant smokebomb—there’s no missed jumps or shots, everything is scripted to show you the pinnacle of…
i don’t know what the next one will be, but i know that the last one will just say
i am completely here for hidden fish puns
plus she’s shaped like a hairdryer
I only had 18oz of chicken thighs for the slow cooker today and needed 24. I feel this post.
how do you feel about grilled fish? (asking for a friend)
i think my issue has been timing of when to add wood during the cook. also i’m on an 18" kettle, which changes things a lot more than i ever thought they would.
I have better results separating drums and flats and cooking indirect at about 425. Overnight brine, then rub, then about 15-20 minutes with the thicker drum portion toward the coals, flats around the perimeter and interior.
You gotta boil it. Til the glue gets soft.