Rock Auto: all the parts you’ll ever need
Rock Auto: all the parts you’ll ever need
Starred because I too am impressed that Rock Auto lists parts for makes I’d previously never even heard of.
I always go into these imagining that I was the target market. Of course this is a terrible price for a daily driver, but this isn’t a daily driver. It would be like someone putting a CP vote on a car that only seats 2 because they personally have 5 kids. For some hypothetical person looking for this type of car, the…
Yup, and when your engine sounds like it is about to explode and must be pushing the car well beyond the speed limit and you’re soaked in sweat, you’ll have the benefit of actually being 5 mph under the speed limit.
Flat out on every country road drifting turns and jumping bridges?
50hp is plenty, you just have to drive like it’s the last stage of a rally and you’re two seconds behind Walter Röhrl. All the time.
I wonder if removing that stupid spare tire would make room for a turbo? Hmmm...
Dude. Let me tell you about my weird “breakfast” I had at around 10:45:
Carl you’re great! You always left a comment about a topic i szumpled over while reading the article xD
I was also wondering howthe statement about the cups was meant.
I mean a cup is like 118ml-125ml (at least here in Germany) and the reason it’s called a cup is, because the old coffee cups our grandmas still use (e.g. …
The mild line appears to be about 14-16oz. Which I would then assume they mean two 8oz cups which is still pretty paltry for a 2$ bag.
I’m cautiously excited about the sun and very jealous of your gazebo.
A classic In Living Color sketch.
It wasn’t cross posted to Deadspin as far as I can tell. You just missed an obvious Deadspin blogger reference done in a typical Deadspin commenter fashion. This might shock you, but the people on Deadspin have a wide range of interests and cooking happens to be one of them. Hence the Foodspin articles that have been…
There are definitely some things that are easier to pause than other. In the case of the carrots, you could just turn the oven off or down, depending on how quickly they’re cooking. Same thing with the chicken. But yeah, once you’ve started a roux you’re pretty much in it, so to speak. The good news is that a roux is…
There are a lot of fancy kitchen toys out there—some of which are more useful than others—but there are some things…
So do we Carl, so do we.
You are a treasure.