
It was great. It really was, I was surprised. So, I learned that no-boil noodles do work, and learned a new red sauce recipe :)

Hey Carl, that recipe for that sauce you gave me was amazing!

I’ve never tried this, mostly because I’m lactose intolerant and only discovered last year that Cabot cheeses are all lactose-free. I’m thinking it would be worth trying, using your idea of tossing the shredded at home cheese with a bit of potato starch. The grocery stores I go to only have Cabot blocks.

Omg those freaking aprons are on every sing Portland chef and server in every single restaurant. They are good aprons.

Yes. I enjoyed this.

You really just gotta do the cooking by the book, man.

If it’s any consolation, the acid kicked in.

On the plus side there’s going to be a great compilation on ATK of viewers’attempts using this technique.

Your link doesn’t make any sense to me? What am I missing? A Shirley Temple is not a pink lemonade... And besides, Shirley Temples are made with grenadine, not food coloring...

Going shopping in a little bit. So I can use “regular”, assemble in the morning (around 10) and cook it at 4:30?

The automatics in these cars were problematic over time, which may mean you could pick up a car with a decent motor and a crapped-out tranny on the cheap.

I think this one is probably throw away territory when it finally dies. Just sell it to some young kid for 500 bucks and let him wrench on it for few years before his dad has it towed to the junkyard,

Its engine is part of the Honda J-series motor family, which has been in production for almost 20 years and used in everything from the Accord to the MDX. Finding a perfectly-matching 3.2 might be tricky but I’d be willing to bet the 3.0 or 3.5 wouldn’t be too difficult, if you wanted to keep a Honda engine.

Apparently onions freeze okay, and bacon freezes really well, so I say give it a try!

I would definitely test before making for a party - seems like frozen onions would work (heck, there are already frozen onion rings, so why not?) but depending on cellular breakdown or moisture, it could be a mushy disaster.

I’ve never had a problem with frozen bacon, but frozen onions do wind up with a bit of a texture issue.

Lol you’re not grey anymore!

hostest with the mostest, can you get me out of the greys?

Yeah, no need to wait until Halloween!

There he is. Capt. Celery.