
So you don’t want to be in the Egg Society?

Seriously put it on everything you can think of. Hot roast beef sandwich? YEP. Awesome.


Balloons, you say?

Most cabbage recipes call for you to remove the core

Most people who dream of winning the lottery dream of big homes and fancy cars.

I dream of a fondue pot full of gravy and little stuffing balls on forks.

I am so mad at myself for spelling ladle as “ladel” but if you say it in a fancy way I guess that’s a more phonetic way to look at it.

On that note, I should open a soup focused restaurant named “Les del” and a ladle could be the lowercase d in the logo and it would be a good thing for everyone involved.

Sometimes friends change and they go a long time without speaking to each other. But also sometimes you still check in with them to talk about who is pregnant or dating or dead or came out LGBTetc or tips on how to eat pussy.

Copycat recipes aren’t “lifehacks”. They’re foods that people enjoy for an innumerable number of reasons - nostalgia being probably the biggest - that they recreate at home. They can be modified to suit a specific taste, or in Claire’s case - to save time and be more creative with what you have on hand (Ladel of


This is the kind of thing where i start thinking i’m more enlightened and intelligent because of malnutrition or fever. Some kind of hallucinating that I’m not familiar with, THANKFULLY IT’S NOT GUSTATORY. I’m sure it happens to everyone, right? ...Right? Speaking of hallucinations, this is my favorite picture

A French press is a one use appliance? Clearly no one at BA reads Lifehacker. Also, they’re nice to strain/serve permanetly lumpy gravy out of! AND WHO DOESN’T LOVE GRAVY?

Sure they’re not as useful whisk or a spoon, but I’m pretty sure every one of us that saw one of these things as a kid imagined a factory or SCUBA

Someone needs to write a fictional backstory for this guy, whose name is probably.. Jeffrey


oh man! cabot is life altering. clearly you need to move closer to VT.

I would send you all of the shredded Cabot in my fridge if I could. I eat it by the handful. =/

I’m glad you liked it! The first time I made it I was apprehensive about the amount of basil.. but it’s SO GOOD. Like, “damn it now I want just a bowl of this and a loaf of bread” good. The recipe, btw, for those who may have missed it.

How did you end up doing the lasagna? I trust it came out equally awesome?

As you could probably guess, I love cheese. It’s one of the things I’m pickiest about, but I’m not above eating movie theater/gas station nachos.

Frico might be one of my favorite Saturday night snacks (typically prepared while listening to Gary Numan’s “Cars”, I don’t know why but that has become the anthem of cheese

I like that they got him a tool box to hold for the picture!