
They don’t even have to. Just let the guests do it!

But the point of an apron is so you have less to clean up!

*builds anatomically correct robots*
*is surprised when people have sex with them*

These violent delights.

Otherwise the results could be disastrous.

Command is a strong word. Isn’t that right, Crenshinibon?

I’m just a fella that tries to give helpful advice most of the time and can be pretty goofy about it. I figured someone might be able to help me back! But I can’t justify $90 for an apron. I’ll just keep wearing old concert shirts that I cut the sleeves off of

Thank you. You are now “Keeper of the Potato Salad”.

I want that apron. Skillet fam, help me find that apron.

I will reward you with a picnic.

i mean that’s pretty hardcore for 10 AM EDT

you may want to reevaluate some life decisions

Now playing

If it’s any consolation, you reminded me of this.

It comes with TWO different weight conversions, is an excellent source of CALCIUM, and has 5 adjectives that describe it. How can you NOT choose this bread?

Level with me, Claire. Do you, in your heart of hearts, truly believe that turning bread on it’s side, onto a surface area of less than 1/2" for ease of cutting instead of using the entire surface area of it’s much larger and much flatter bottom is an efficient way of slicing quickly and evenly AND ALSO is worthy of

Kitchen hacks is right. ATK and it’s IPs have been bleak since CPK left. Sad!

The bread is wobbly as fuck. I’m not getting into shapes right now (adding that line to my twitter profile as we speak) but there is so little balance in that loaf. Look at it! There’s like no part of that I want involvement with. You are a

Apologies! It was 7ish am, and I will admit to being so groggily asleep at my desk that I interpreted the word “adulterate” to mean “add adult qualities to”. I thought of a colorful drink that people make for kids, but also add liquor to.

That isn’t true! Don’t reneg your opinion or things you’ve tested and liked or found to work because someone else has done it another way. If we all did that, we’d be eating soylent green by now.

Be you, Dorothy. Noodle how you wanna noodle. And you too, Lettuce. I’m just here to tell you what’s worked for me and what

About which part? The candy?

Look, BIG PASTA won’t tell you to do that so that they can sell you both kinds. But there is a difference in the pasta and the cooking method.

Relevant ATK review! And for the non-subs:

There is a very strong chance that this person is related to my grandfather.