
From a country with a shitty air force.

One time I got one of those impossibly large Lindt bars and had to leave some for breakfast a reasonable time to eat chocolate the next day.

It may not be as pretty, but your mouth won’t care.


Cook’s Slow Cooker book series and recipes are stupid useful. I’ll always prefer a traditional lasagna bolognese, but damn their slow cooker lasagna is delicious. Even if you can only do one meal a week in it, that extra bit of time is worth it!

Calls you a cunt, signs with a pseudonym.. sends email from FirstInitialLastName@Verizon account. 

But there’s no showmanship in his style! Mola can draw a crowd like no other, and has a huge smoke pit so everyone can enjoy the BBQ.

You can zig
You can zag
You can sous-vide a turkey
in a bag

That explains your profile picture.

Absolutely! It’s very well done. The shots are beautiful and I don’t fault them for that. But there’s just so much of it, it just doesn’t feel.. special?

I enjoyed it, but I did wish it was a bit less.. cinematic? I would have liked to see more driving and vehicle discussion than “quarter panel drift cam with blue filter”.

Though I did thoroughly enjoy the introduction of the LaF.

Congratulations on the sex!

You get turkey your family and friends will rave about until Valentine’s day

Well, there is a bomb.

(You may notice a lack of celery, this is because celery is extremely bad tasting.)

I’m yes cook, and I would throw it under a broiler for a hot minute (ha!) once the broth is absorbed to intensify the flavors of the spices, as well as toast up the veggies just enough. You don’t want them crispy, but just silghtly caramelized. Like.. maybe an actual minute on high at the most.

(Technically I think this would be a “dressing,” but I’ll let it slide.)

Seriously this is basically Mayonnaise and Missionary, a coming of age movie about a man-child in 1992.

I went to a Death By Stereo/BoySetsFire concert once! It was horrible.

The only thing I use my probe for is ambient oven/smoker/grill temperature accuracy. Totally worth the $50, and I got a free bag of jelly beans with it.

But no, I don’t like leaving a gaping hole and a chunk of metal in my food typically. I picked up my Thermapen idk, 100 years ago now, and it’s never failed me.