
No way. Montauk is far too bougie for me.


She gets mad at me when I keep a wedge of camembert for 2 days, so as much as I’d like to try them.. I don’t think a bouquet of hot fish and piss is going to better our relationship.

I’m still working on finding that thick, stringy pizza cheese from the early 1990s. Someday, Carl. Someday you’ll enjoy pizza again.

We grab the ferry in CT. I would never ask someone to meet me in Bridgeport.

That ctrl+click isn’t nearly as satisfying as spamming the song of my people on cherry reds when I get to my desk at 6am, though. :D

Keys here:

Furthest I get to NY is Long Island, unless we’re going to a Mets game.

Feel free to Accela over to Boston for our shitty bars though.

Going to take this in a different way here, bear with me. I’m actually writing this part after this giant rant, so heads up.. my depression/SSAD/mania are a bit ramped up tonight.


I miss not having web services.

I miss the young internet days where things that you’d see on StileProject and SteakandCheese were only

Not only did I have the pants, shorts and shoes.. but I saved the ridiculously huge tags that they came with. My first “girlfriend” in elementary school was a blonde with a pair of Hypnotix, which is why I thought she was the one for me.

Great post, but you’re missing one thing:

JNCO shoes had nothing on SOAP shoes. Fuck Healies.

I would like to thank my terrible ability to internet today for whatever culminated in me replying to myself in this thread instead of to the OP.

Claire, as you and others might have guessed by now, I’m a pretty big fan of this site and of your posts, especially the ones involving peeled celery. I don’t need to elaborate on my food experience/insanity - it’s a lot of both, and both can get pretty weird.

This is the first thing in a while that’s really given me

Aye, there are many who have heard tell of the “leftover cake” through the ages. None live today who have seen it, let alone tasted it.

Ahhhhh it depends on the plant. For anything gardening, I joined my local garden club. We do an annual seed exchange in November and plan out things for next year’s community and personal gardens. No one really wanted Tomatillos this year, so I’ll have 3-4 to myself next summer and reap the glorious salsa verde

eligible pull a Thornton Melon

longer shelf life / lower spoilage ratio