


His shoes were in line with uniform code, there’s no reason there should even be a fine.

What did you pay per lb on the shoulder? I haven’t done a shoulder in FOREVER. I want to say I paid between $14-18 for an 8lb boneless.

I made 52 Toll House cookies last Saturday, and when the last batch was still warm I took 2 and put some pretty ridiculous pumpkin-cinnamon ice cream between them with a fudge drizzle and spent the next 4 seconds eating my feelings.

That’s actually a good call. Most people I know just use a boxed cake mix, which invariably turns to shit in a trifle. A poundcake would withstand all the extra goop.

I think pound cake is one of those that, while I love, I’m hesitant to adventure into any further. It’s one of those things that I have a slice of say.. Lemon Poppy, don’t finish, and then won’t eat until the following year.

But if you’re ever in MA and want to sling a loaf my way, by all means.


Yup. Something went wrong. I need Claire to pull a Murder, She Cooked here and find out if it can be done.

We’ve done a lot of meats and desserts and veggies, why not something starchy? I’m on 3 hours of sleep and the WORST coffee I’ve ever had s0 my brain isn’t functioning at even 60% but here me out: I don’t think you could have a more finicky dish to test than risotto.

There are more

I comment a lot on Skillet. I’ve been told by a few people there to start my own thing. I haven’t the foggiest, but I set up a Wordpress page and keep half finishing posts and not publishing them.

Aside from a paycheck, what got you folks inspired/motivated to write? What keeps you going?

I’ve done rotkohl with elk tenderloin in the past, REALLY good, but that’s really all that was on the plate. I think with this roast it might be too much sweet though. I might try a quick garlic infused vinegar for the onions, which might be enough to do that “closed eyes” delicious reaction.

I plan on doing a sous’d venison roast for the family this weekend and I have absolutely NO idea what to pair it with.

I was also  considering pepper crusting the roast and doing a reverse sear. For sides, I’m thinking potatoes blumenthal, caramelized pearl onions and maybe a juniper berry/rosemary sauce - basically a

I think it would depend more on the time than on the heat. I think that’s the reason broccolini failed here: it just isn’t fibrous enough to stand the test of time compared to some of the other vegetables. Think blanch vs. boil. I would think kale or chard would be ok, and maybe savoy and other hearty greens, but any

Well, if I had said “Sugar daddy here!” the conversation may have taken a turn.

Measured ingredients on Foodspin? You’ve gone too far this time, Univision.

Sugar person here! Light and dark “Brown sugar” as we know it is a refined white sugar that’s had different levels of refined molasses added to it. Sucanat and it’s cousin Muscovado are natural brown sugars, which retain more of their natural molasses.

Think of the flavors like chocolate. You have your horrible


Oh absolutely. But believe it or not, 2 refrigerators and a freezer chest do not allot me the space for freezing as much as I would like to, especially with this year’s garden haul. I ran out of ideas for 40lbs of eggplant, so I’ve got breaded cutlets that I can’t even give away at this point. Plus canning is a fun