
not you :P

I am not looking down on others. I am frowning upon a lack of responsibility, as we all should. If you cannot see yourself accomplishing a goal, then it is not a goal you should set.

I recognize and understand that mistakes are made, but I also recognize and understand the acceptance of responsibility and parenting,

Welfare/EBT fraud, unemployment fraud, disability fraud, child support fraud (my aunt kept sending her kids to college while they lived at home so her ex would have to continue to pay benefits) various types of horrible reality TV shows, And my absolute favorite: religious beliefs.. to name a few.


This is a great post to cap the week. I want to meet that bananaphin.

You could thank imgur for the inspiration on this. It’s not like this just came out of nowhere from Billy West.

1984 baby here, I do my best to supplement, educate and occasionally police with a condescending attitude (for example, basically all of my posts). I graduated J&W with a BS in Culinary Arts/Restaurant Management, and recently finished my BS in Comp Sci at NEU (fucking HELL). I’ve worked in kitchens and have performed

I douche my router monthly, but people like that still show up somehow.

Any ingredient is a laxative if you IBS hard enough.

But seriously, shut up and RTFA.


I believe way back when there was a Jalopnik post that referred to the SL65 Black as “psychotic”.

I’m glad to see that MB has yet to regain it’s sanity.

Any food is breakfast food if you eat it for breakfast!

Good call! Plus BJ’s has those hot stuffed cherry peppers that I like.

we should go get sopapillas RIGHT NOW

I get it. You’re closed-minded. I’m of course, speaking directly to you and not to the hundreds of readers that my agree with your quick opinion about an apparently one-dimensional ingredient.