
There might be closer to 40 left at this point. They’re SO EASY to make though, it’s just rolling out the dough and cutting that’s a hassle. I use an ungodly amount of burger papers so I can just roll and cut like a maniac, and then go into assembly line mode when I’m done.

Fresh is always best, but if I’m not gonna

Mas y menos, amigo.

Double the recipe. By the time you’re done folding your last, you’ll be a pro at pocket pies.

Make this dough, then put stuff you like in it! I use a small bowl and a pizza cutter to get consistent dough sizes and years of helping my mom bake pies to flute the edges. They’re basically Hot Pockets that people judge you less for, so I’ll probably eat.. 6 today.

I just really, really like empanadas. And they freeze really well, so it’s my quarterly batch that’ll last about 2 weeks.

this had me dying this morning. god dammit faz.

No wonder everyone is so miserable about this recipe.

unless Wifey has a hankering for something specific

Top them off with a cat lady cupcake for dessert! Or if you’re watching your gluten intake, have a rice krispie treat during a belated binge of Orange Is The New Black.

Being able to look at a recipe and say “That’s perfect!” is the best possible place to start. Honestly, that’s how I do my weekly meal prep - it’s easier (and cheaper) to look and see what’s on sale, and then thumb through the collection or internet than it is to say “i want to have (x) this week” and end up paying

Cooked for a living for almost 20 years, last night I melted a bag of soup last night trying to reheat it in a water bath, AMA

A lot of summer-seasonal fruits are very well suited to the grill, and that seared caramelization adds a lot of depth without needing to go too heavy on dressings or completely weird additions. Basically any pluot, peaches, pineapple and despite popular belief - watermelon.

I hadn’t ever thought of adding

I knew what I would see. I thought I was prepared. I’ve seen the episode enough to know.

Still, every time, it hurts. It hurts so much. Poor little guy, he was so brave. Curse you Fry, I would have brought him back. He spent so much of his life waiting and waiting, he deserved happiness.

If by lazy you mean “the creative people who want fruit sherbets out of season”, in which case a sloth is my spirit animal.

Ugh, twist my arm.

True, but you’d be limited to small batches and to the size of a tray/rack that you could fit in there. I guess if you only want a piece or two at a time, sure - it’d be just as quick as a conventional oven in that sense.