
It wasn’t that I understood them to be illegal, but sequential lights need to light a certain portion of the light to be legal. I mean, The Ford Mustang is a very much American car, and recent models brought back the sequential signals - lighting 30% of the light at a time is sufficient enough.

I mean I’m talking about 2, maybe 3 minutes of whisking and another minute of folding. Get out of your comfort zone and explore, you’ll find it to be quite exhilarating.

Don’t use wood skewers. Holy shit are they terrible.

Flat metal skewers with a ring handle not only offer more stabilization when turning on the grill, but they also have a smaller diameter.. rod? I guess, so you’ll be able to use those smaller pieces of onion without them exploding into shards. They also pierce

I would love nothing more than to send Masters Abercrombie and Fitch back to 1958 to head off the next 47 years of horrible youth fashion.

One of the local supermarket chains near me has large white eggs very regularly for $2/24, the $0.67/dozen is a bit of a freak thing and allows me to justify getting slab bacon

I’d love to, but I’m not sure how Mr. Breakfast would feel about that.

Well not to death, because then you’ll have a really shitty meringue. Just enough that they’re very soft peaks, sort of like this.

If you’ve never whipped egg whites before - either by hand or any variety of mixer, it does take a little practice dialing in the settings on your method of choice. I like a hand mixer,

I was SO BORED at work. I meal planned for the next 2 weeks, went on a 45 minute bagel run - they were really good bagels - and stayed mad since yesterday at either Food52 or The Kitchn for posting about learning “knife skills” when instead they were just links to recipes that they had posted in the last 2 days.


I mean it’s basically an omelette that you scatter into curds, but the principle is the same. I don’t like things in my scrambled - that’s omelette territory - but topping with scallion and crumbled bacon and oh, some salty cheese afterward.. that’s a pretty good reason to get out of bed on the weekend.

All you need are fat and air. :) Seriously. You can separate the whites from the yolks and whisk them separately, and fold the whites back into the eggs for super puffy fluffy eggs.

I only stopped because I had to drive home and picked up some frozen pudding, which is NORMALLY a winter-season frozen dessert, but for some reason is readily available during this horribly hot spell. It’s basically fruit cake ice cream - vanilla?, i think, with bits of fruit and rum, and I am just going to crawl into

Despite that, I’ve got a 6lb duck that I’m thinking about smoking. I think a good fatty bird would do well on there for 10 hours.

In a thousand years, archaeologists are going to look at this and say “Well, this is the moment he snapped. Who eats ice cream for dinner? I bet he had lasagna for breakfast that day.”

I’m thinking about leaving work early and getting ice cream for dinner. I think doing some kind of boozy caramel sauce would be good for a day as horrible as today.

I’m making a lot of stuff on the grill this weekend, I’m glad you asked! Chicken leg quarters, pork country ribs, of course burgers and brats. But I also want to do some roasted tomatoes and then stuff them, and maybe some corn. WHO KNOWS.

After today I think I would use the ruler tape and pour myself about 8" of brunello

I feel like I could just write anything here today since people don’t appear to be interested in tape


I have nothing to add to this, but I did want to mention to the folks here that last Claire did a FB live stream for xojane.com and it was PROBABLY the best thing I saw on the internet yesterday, which included a pile of sleepy pitbulls and touch the fishy.

Sooo you should all head over to the xojane FB page on your