
There are two types of people: Those who work in food service, and those who think they know what food service is.

I’ve rarely ever complained, never asked for my money back, entered a restaurant 15 minutes before close, anything like that. If my burger or steak isn’t cooked to medium rare, and it’s medium, it’s

Beans on toast! I guess it’s kind of the same.

I like this because today is the kind of day where I want to cry into a plate of fish sticks, canned baked beans and blue box macaroni and cheese.

Depending on where you are

Depending on where you are, mint is comparably expensive and doesn’t have the shelf life to justify stocking for the off chance that one person might buy a mojito. I can pull 20 slices out of an orange, maybe 10 out of a lemon or lime - and the smaller fruits can be wedged for other miscellaneous drinks - waters,


I can’t see a reason that this wouldn’t work for pasta salads either (as long as you’re doing a oil+vin dressing).

See, in a controlled test? That works great. The general public isn’t going to check.. they’ll likely just scoop and sweep, and then complain that their (everything) isn’t good and blame something like a pan, or the oven, or anything other than the measurements.

An age ago, I tried to duplicate the famous Jordan Marsh

Oh trust me, I’m aware. I live about 30 minutes from their headquarters and have paid them quite a few visits over the years. It broke my heart reading the news this January, he essentially threw his hands up and said “good luck, fuckers!”.

The magazine is a dumpster fire at this point. All of their recipes show no

I actually got these from the cafeteria at work, and I have a great relationship with the staff there (I can be found hanging out in the kitchen there every morning for coffee). If I’m there early enough I’ll make my own breakfast. Nothing against Jose - he taught me how to make French omelettes and I got him the job

At some point in the later seasons as he’s pushing to switch, he mentions that a large portion of the world outside of the US cooks by weight, and not by volume. It’s much more convenient for more than just baking - ever tried to measure 1 C of ketchup or mayo without using a plunger cup? It’s horrible.

Oh absolutely. I’ve tried a few different infused ice creams in the last month and they’ve all been terrible. With the exceptions of Rum and Fruit cakes during the winter holidays, I really only use booze in toppings and glazes.

Now the chianti braised short ribs I had for lunch, that’s another story.

Add it to Singapore Slings

First of all, read this in the style of Louis Black.

THIS ENTIRE COMPARISON IS A FARCE. DON’T SCOOP AND SWEEP. You all got to be mad about eggs yesterday, and now I get to be grumpy about correct methods of measuring today, which is somehow more anal than 56 people bitching about lidding their skillets for a single

I’d like to take this time to announce the title of my new lounge album:

Good oil and actual cheese: Yes, in moderation.

Nuts on their own have a can contain a lot good fats, fiber and vitamin E. Seasoning them with quality ingredients isn’t going to necessarily make them less healthy, but you will want to watch your intake - the calorie count will shoot through the roof with tomato sauce,

Awesome! There’s SO MUCH on there. Glad I could help!