This and the shirt should be permanent Funbag fixtures.
This and the shirt should be permanent Funbag fixtures.
Look, I take pickles pretty seriously. This might be my longest post, and it’s about pickles. But my first job was in a deli, so these little slices of Vinegar Valhalla were pretty important to folks.
Claussens are the best when you first open the jar. But the vinegar and garlic just doesn’t hold up to the fridge for…
Yeah, we’re pretty much 3 lanes tops up here. There are parts of 495 that widen out but shrink down to 2 lanes and open back up, there are parts of 95 in Rhode Island that go wider, but on average, everything is a clusterfuck.
And that’s basically the story of why I don’t see Cruise Control as a useful system. New…
Top with prosciutto if you’re feeling fancy.
Maybe it’s just a product of living with 95 into and out of Boston every day - nightmarish stop and go - but I’ve never been able to justify using cruise outside of long interstate drives. Even to Maine every summer with an AT, I’d say I get about 5 minutes at a time out of it before I need to drop down (because…
If you want $40k for an uncommon version of a very common Mustang, sell it at Barrett Jackson. Craigslist is not where the sale of vehicles like this belong.
Also, I hate that steering wheel. I’d rather have a clean Fox for whatever percentage less of the price and capability than to stare at that thing every day.
Pretty SMOOTH pun there. Last post from me, I need to get back to the GRIND.
Pope Kenji has a really good recipe (because of course he does) and it notes:
Lebanese here! Been eating hummus since I was old enough for solid foods. My sito never tell me exactly how she made it, but it was exactly like you said, Claire - creamy and light.
I can’t nail the taste like she did. Perfectly garlicky and just enough lemon. The only thing I know for sure is that she used a blender…
Please don’t lump Burneko in with us actual poindexters.
*pushes glasses up nose*
A vaporizer is just a different inhalation method, in my own experience it doesn’t neutralize the odor at all. They also gum up easily and require much more frequent cleaning.
The nice thing about sous vide here is that you can extract more efficiently - which is good, because you’re gonna need some volume to cook…
It’s not that kind of sauce, sadly. You might be able to thin it out with a little additional liquid and then reduce it to get the viscosity you’d want for a confectionary glaze/sauce to “set”, but removing anything additional liquid through reduction is likely to further intensify the already intense THC.
The header…
Girlfriend has family on Long Island, and I agree - nothing compares.
Too bad about the bakeries at those stores though. Try Costco? Their bakery is usually ranked highly. Their bagels are (were?) house brand and sold by the 1/2doz, but the variety is weak.
You won’t even notice it, I swear! Don’t glob it on, just use enough to create a berm around the center of the bagel.
You could let it drip. Spread it as thin as you can in the pan, crisp it up and cut it into a little cheese chip edible garnish.
I might be on a roll, but your grilled cheese shouldn’t be! (ba dum tiss)
The dome shape doesn’t give you a good amount of contact with the pan, and flattening it would just be weird. Rolls are generally soft, and when they squish they get dense and literally no one in recorded history has ever said “Gee, I want a pile…
Grilled cheese is good! It’s one of those super tasty simple things that people don’t put much mind to, and just using a different kind of fat, bread, or cheese can make a world of difference. Also, melting your fat and brushing it on the bread means more and even browning/crisping/caramelizing of your bread, so do…
I used to buy bottles by the case. SO GOOD.
Strategic cheese placement, and mayonnaise.
Mayo can act as a sort of sealant, and you can put JUST enough that it prevents the cheese from spreading out too far. When I make a grilled cheese on sandwich bread, I spread the thinnest ever amount of Cains/Best Foods mayo on the inside before putting down my cheese.
the inverted grilled cheese sandwich situation
I have a decent size garden and greenhouse. No pesticides, and the soil is almost 12 years of hard work to balance pH. I still wash everything, because there’s more than just chemicals growing out there.
Salad spinner all the things, or if they’re delicate/don’t fit, scrub. The FDA says so! Also, grapes in a salad…